Chapter 33

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When I rounded the corner and saw Loki striding towards me, I literally thought I was tripping

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When I rounded the corner and saw Loki striding towards me, I literally thought I was tripping.

First I blinked several times to make sure he wasn't just a figure of my imagination. Then I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Then finally, he grew closer, and I was convinced that it was really him.

He was walking with Thor, who was obviously responsible for letting Loki out of his cage. They strode towards me with confidence as I just stood there with my mouth hanging open. I had no idea why Loki was released, but I wasn't completely sure that I wanted to find out.

"Loki! Thor! What the heck is going on?"

Loki's eyes held no expression as they locked with mine. I could tell he was hiding behind a facade. Thor was the one who answered me. "Lex! I'm glad we happened upon you! I need your help."

It was then that Loki showed emotion for the first time. He turned towards his brother with a scowl and practically barked when he retaliated. "That wasn't part of the bargain Thor. Leave her out of it!"

"Wait a minute. Hold up. Would one of you mind telling me exactly why I'm being fought over?" I crossed my arms and shifted my weight onto one leg, raising an eyebrow and waiting for an answer.

"I explained it all in the letter sitting on my desk. Don't worry, we'll be back in no time." Loki was trying to get me out of whatever crazy plan Thor was carrying out, but I wasn't about to sit idly by while Loki got sucked into something crazy.

And knowing Thor's rash personality, it probably was crazy.

"Lex, we're bringing Jane to Svartálfaheim to trick Malekith into drawing the Aether out of her, and then destroying him before he can use it. I need you to come so you can keep siphoning the power out of Jane so it doesn't overwhelm her."

I blinked, trying to wrap my head around the words that just spilled from Thor's mouth, as Loki glared at him.

"Well, yeah I'll help, but what exactly are we doing? And why's Loki out?"

"I'll explain on the way." Thor answered. "Come. We must move quickly."

Thor pushed passed me with haste, leaving me to scamper after them. "Loki, care to explain what's going on?" I asked him.

"We struck a bargain." He said. "Thor needs my help getting to Svartálfaheim and agreed to end my sentence in exchange."

My jaw dropped at the prospect of Loki being released early, and all the possibilities that came with it. "Wait a minute. So how come you can't just use the Bifrost Thor? Aren't you the King now?"

"Not officially. Without the King's word as to who will be his successor, the high counsil must put it up to a vote, and I can't wait for that. So all of my father's last orders still stand."

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