Chapter 1

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A/N: Hey guys! I decided to go ahead and publish the first chapter since the prologue was so short and y'all deserve better. But anyway WELCOME TO THE FINAL FRONTIER! Some of y'all may remember my last story Finding Freedom, and while both stories share a few qualities, this will be WAY better. For one I actually outlined and planned out the story, something I didn't do with FF. And it's not a crossover, just the MCU, Loki, and all the fun that comes with him:)

Also, the romance won't be instant. It's gonna take some patience, but I promise it'll be worth it!

Now without further ado, enjoy the Last frontier : )

Lex's POV

I hated ice fishing.

Don't get me wrong. I loved Alaska. I loved the freedom, the simplicity, the beauty. But living such a simple life required certain having to sit in the blistering cold and hope that something hit my bait.

However, despite my detest for ice fishing, I'm actually super glad I went out that day. Because if I hadn't gone, my life would be drastically different.

I sat on my folding chair in front of the hole I cut in the channel's frozen top. There was an anker-screw in the ice next to the hole that I clipped my line into. It had a bell attached, so I would know if anything hit it.

I didn't know the exact temperature outside but if I had to guess I'd say it was probably around -20° Fahrenheit with a decent wind chill. The bay had started icing over about two weeks ago and only recently had it gotten thick enough to walk on. It snowed last night so everything was covered in a think white blanket. I would have loved it if I didn't have to go out in it. But alas, here I was, sitting on a folding stool, bundled up to my eyeballs in coats and furs, sipping a hot thermos full of coffee, and hoping to hear a jingle from my line.

The only company I had out in Alaska with me was my wolfdog, Koda. He looked a bit like a husky, except he was bigger and more...wolflike. He doesn't have much personality except that which I imagine him to have, but he serves his purpose well. He's my guard dog, hunting dog, extra body heat, and loyal best friend, and he's the one who alerted me to the weird dude falling from the sky.

I was sat in my stool, totally transfixed on the line when I saw Koda turn his head in alert. Nothing sneaks past his eye. I followed his gaze, expecting to see a deer, or even rarer, another human being. I didn't expect to see a portal open up in the sky. And I certainly didn't expect to see a man fall through, but the instant I saw him, I knew there was no way he could possibly break his fall. He was plummeting to the ground at an alarming rate, and I barely had time to jump up and shout an oh my God and grab my backup line before he hit the snow covered ice.

He broke through with a great splash. Snow and water filled the air around him as the ice fractured into pieces. Koda got there before I did and stood staring down at the water. He gave a bark as I neared, probably to tell me that somebody was down there.

"I know dude. I'm trying." The only chance I had of recovering the body was catching it on my line and pulling it back up. If he was human, I seriously doubt he survived that. But I'm not stupid. I've seen some crazy stuff in my time, and considering that he literally fell from the sky, I wouldn't have been surprised if he was something more than human.

The weight couldn't sink fast enough. My heart beat like a kick drum inside of my chest as I waited for the hook to reach him. He had some kind of light source on him. That's how I managed this whole rescue scheme. Truth be told, if he hadn't have had that light, I wouldn't have been able to save him, and his body would be rotting in the bottom of the channel to this day.

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