Chapter 27

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It'd been seven months since the day of Loki's sentencing, and a lot has happened

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It'd been seven months since the day of Loki's sentencing, and a lot has happened.

My new guard commander decided to let me ease off on my physical combat training, and focus more on inhuman side. He talked with Frigga about helping me since he thought she would be the most qualified person for the job, and she agreed with a smile.

I became her apprentice of sorts, and we grew extremely close, extremely fast. Even though she didn't understand my powers at first, she made every effort to get to know them. She asked me a billion questions, drew me to new conclusions, and helped me expand my limits. She helped me understand myself more, by trying to understand me herself. She'd take me wherever she deemed suitable for our training grounds. When I was working on channeling and controlling something like an EMP or lightning, we'd go deep into the wilderness where I needn't worry about causing people harm. When she wanted me to work on my healing, she'd take me to the infirmary. When she wanted me to fine tune my more delicate skills, she'd just bring me to her garden and I'd practice helping the flowers grow, or sucking the life from them.

She really became a mother to me over these last several months. It was nice since I didn't remember much about my own mom. She took me to visit the markets, she invited me to her chambers before bed for chamomile tea, and she sat with me in the library.

I no longer felt afraid of my powers. As I grew more familiar with them, my confidence grew as well. I wasn't the scared little runaway from Midgard anymore. I was Lex, the inhuman warrior who could manipulate energy.

And yes before you ask, I was a bonafide warrior.

As soon as the Bifrost was rebuilt, the Asgardian army got straight to work. Apparently after the last Bifrost was destroyed (pretty sure it was Loki's fault) the nine realms descended into chaos, and we were the ones who were supposed to fix it. Our most recent battle was in Vanaheim where we fought a huge group of rebels. They acted more like barbarians than soldiers, but they weren't a very tough crowd either way. Once Thor arrived and took out thier champion fighter (some rock giant of some kind) the fight was pretty much over. Hogun decided to hang back for a time untill everything was settled, and the rest of us Bifrosted back to Asgard.

I was getting used to the sensation of flying through the cosmos at an unimaginable speed, which I was grateful for. Getting sick was for the birds.

As soon as we got back from Vanaheim, the prisoners of war were taken down to the dungeons while we went to go clean up for dinner. I got back to my empty room and stripped off my armor, putting it in the bin for Anja to clean.

You might be wondering why I didn't mention Koda waiting for me in my room. I didn't mention him because he wasn't there. Before I left for Vanaheim, I brought him down to the dungeons to stay with Loki while I was gone. It was good for both of them. Koda wasn't bored, Loki wasn't stuck with only his thoughts, and I didn't have to worry about either of them.

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