I was forced to move from the comfy spot on the couch, I'd rather be there with books on top of me than upstairs, in a book-filled, dusty room. I poked a stack of books, it wobbled, I smiled and poked it again, it wobbled more, ooh, fun! I poked it again, and again, again... then it wobbled a lot and fell. I yelped, but didn't get hit, I peeked out from my covered eyes, the books were mid-air. Huh? Then I got hit with books, I scrambled and covered my face, curling up into my a ball, quickly. The books stopped falling, I could hear every loud thud, I was shaking a little bit.
Sam yelled" River?!"
I screamed" Good idea went bad!"
" You okay?"
" Can a book break my back?"
" No." He made a face, he definitely made a face!
" Did you make a face?" I squirmed till the books fell off, I got up, rubbing my back, and the back of my head.
" No." He's definitely making a face! His oh is squeaker! I huffed, liar, I shook my head then started picking up the books, stacking them.

We were going to where Anna's grace landed, Dean was driving, I was sitting between Sam and Dean. I was getting really sleepy, Dean chuckled.
Ruby said" What?"
Dean said" Nothing. It's just an angel and a demon riding in the backseat." Sam scoffed, smiling," It's like the setup to a bad joke... or a penthouse forum letter."
Sam said" Dude. Reality... porn."
" You call this reality?"
We got out of the car, I was holding Dean's sleeve, we stared at a really big tree.
Dean said" It's beautiful."
Anna said" It's where the grace touched down. I can feel it."
" You ready to do this?"
" Not really." We started walking to the big tree.

Anna walked up to the trunk,
Sam said" Anna, what are we even looking for?" She touched the trunk,
She said" It doesn't matter. It's not here. Not anymore. Someone took it."

We were in some old barn,
Dean said" Well, we still got the hex bags. I say we head back to the panic room."
Ruby said" What, forever?"
" I'm just thinking out loud!"
" Oh, you call that thinking?" I ran to Sam, I don't like fighting,
Sam said" Hey! Hey, hey, hey. Stop it." We walked to them,
" Anna's grace is gone. You understand? She can't angel up. She can't protect us. We can't fight heaven and hell. One side maybe, but not both. Not at once."
Anna said" Um... guys? The angels are talking again."
Sam said" What are they saying?"
" It's weird... like a recording... a loop. It says, Dean Winchester gives us Anna by midnight, or..."
Dean said" Or what?"
" Or we hurl him back to damnation." I looked at Dean,
Sam said" Anna. Do you know of any weapon that works on an angel?"
" To what? Kill them? Nothing we could get to... not right now."
Dean said" Okay, wait, wait. I say we call Bobby. We get him back from hedonism."
Sam said" Dean, what's he gonna tell us that we don't already know?"
" I don't know, but we got to think of something!"

I was watching Sam read, my eyes closed, then opened again, my eyes closed again, but I couldn't open them. I fell asleep.

I woke up on the ground, I sat up, then saw Uriel, I glared at him, standing up.
He said" If Anna isn't handed over, I'm going to throw your brother back to hell." I got angry, the ground started shaking, I breathed heavily," And I'll even toss your worthless spine back in." My lip started shaking," Tell me where you are."
I said" No way!" He tried to come closer to me but he couldn't move,
" How are you?"
" Go away!" I screamed" Go away!" I yelled," Go away!" He was dragged out, I screamed as pain hit me, then everything went black.

I woke up a little, I squirmed around, then fell off the makeshift seat, I whined but laid my head on my arms, closing my eyes again.
Dean put me in the front seat of the car, I tilted my head,
I said" I wanna be inside!"
Dean said" No, no, it's way cooler out here. You're just gonna stay here until me or Sam comes and gets you, okay?"
" Why?!"
" Because... Because I said so." His eyes were watery,
" What'd you do?!"
" I didn't do anything. Just stay here, okay? Nothing to worry about. This is adult stuff and last time I checked, you're a child."
" What's going on?!"
" Nothing, it's fine. Take a nap, or.. uh, color or something."
" Stop leaving me out!"
" I'm not leaving you out, River. I'm keeping you out of harm's way, because I'm the older brother, it's my job."
" You didn't keep me out of harm's way with dad!" Dean's face changed, he felt angry, but his face was calm.
" Stay in the car." He closed the door, I pressed my hands to the window, watching him walk away. He stopped for a second, then shook his head, he continued walking. I tried to open the door but it was locked,
I screamed" Dean! Dean, let me out! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Dean! Deee!" I breathed heavily, falling back onto my butt, I pulled my knees up to my chest and started rocking myself. I stared at the car as it looked like it kept getting smaller, I gasped for air, I whimpered" It's okay, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay..." I whimpered, pressing my face into my arms, trying to not be scared. Being scared is weak, I can't be weak. I felt the ground shaking, then I was really sleepy, I closed my eyes, falling asleep.
I woke up a little,
I heard Sam say" Should we-"
Dean said" No, he has enough on his little mind right now."
" With what? The not-enough sleep, the constant nightmares, and all the other stuff?"
" I saw him."
" Huh?"
" Down there... I saw him, peek around a corner... it-it wasn't big or anything, but I swore it was him."
" You think he already knows, don't you?"
" He's not dumb, and he's definitely not naive."
" Why wouldn't he say anything?"
" Because I wasn't saying anything. He's mad at me."
" He'll get over it, he always has."
" I told you what he said."
" Yeah, and he also was screaming I'm sorry as you walked away from him. Dean, there's still a part of him that thinks if we leave him, we're not coming back, that he'll wake up and he'll be locked away somewhere. You know, he's pretty good at not telling us things, we really gotta start paying attention more."
" He's slipping through our fingers."
" We've still got him, we just gotta remind him that he has us." I whined, stretching my arms out, my arms were grabbed, I was pulled into the front seat.
" Heard us, huh?" I nodded, keeping my eyes closed," Still sleepy?" I nodded again, yawning," All right, get some real sleep, we know you don't sleep worth a shit if we're both not here." I curled up, then dug my head under Dean's arm," Love you, kiddo." I fell back to sleep, maybe with no nightmares.

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