Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Becky's POV

It was late Sunday night and me and my friends Jesse, Rachel and Jade were all sitting in the main room of the orphanage home, here all the orphans get together and just talk.
It was about 8:00pm and Tess was still in her room, she has been there all day bawling her eyes out because today was her mom's birthday and she wasn't alive anymore. It was a very sad time not just for her but for her brothers and for us gals because our families have been very close all of our lives.

I felt a little thirsty so I decided to get a drink of water at the water fountain, by the time I got back I had my head down and wasn't paying attention to anything around me until Rachel slapped me across the face and I finally looked up all annoyed. Rach pointed over to the corner of the room and that's when I noticed a perfect blond haired Irish guy with sparkling blue eyes and a super cute smile who at some point said his name was Niall. There were four other boys that were pretty cute but not as cute as Niall to me.
I quickly ran to go get Tess, dragged her out of her room and made her look at the new guys, I could see that she had already fallen in love with Zayn a cute-ish British boy. All they did was stare at each other, it was pretty awkward when all of a sudden Harry, the curly haired one came out of nowhere and started making-out with Jesse, who already had a boyfriend, Calum Hood.
Jesse just sat there on the couch where she had always been while Harry didn't stop kissing her, I'm not too sure but I think that she kissed him back a bit.
Ohhhhh, Jesse.
This was not good especially since Calum stayed at this orphanage home too. Jesse had been sitting at the couch just watching everyone else because everyone was so in love. I could tell that she's was a bit jealous.

As this was happening I saw Rach's mouth just drop open in shock and all I could do was laugh, it was actually the most funniest thing I have ever seen and before I knew it I was on the floor choking after all that laughing.
I had a great night and was so excited about the new guy that I totally lost track of time. And at our orphanage everyone has to be in their rooms by 9:00pm at the latest and it was already time to go to our rooms.
When I entered my room I closed the door behind me and threw myself onto my bed not getting my pyjamas on or brushing my teeth as I fell asleep.
I think this boy, Niall can make me start 'A New Life'....

A New LifeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant