Chapter Six: A Series of Emails

Start from the beginning

From Bottom



Dear Bottom,

I'm glad you're okay with me having a son. He's a bit of a handful but I love him so it's not like I'd change him for anything. That Michael guy does sound a bit weird. I wouldn't know what to have done in a situation like that. Who wants to hear about porno on a first date? That's pretty weird. Also, you have quite a bit of nieces and nephews. I, myself, don't have any. I'm an only child. Your siblings sound pretty amazing as well as your sister-in-law. I'd love to meet them some day. I agree about the panther. They are such mystical creatures, in my opinion. I don't exactly know why but they are my favorite animals as well. I would describe my "American Dream" as being married to the love of my life and settling down in a nice home on the outside of the city and possibly adopting one or two more kids. I'm starting to get older so that's something I should probably be thinking about rather soon. I have been out of the states many times. I'm originally from South London but we only lived there until I was 10 and then we moved to various other countries before settling in the United States when I was 17. My parents are big on travel. I think I've visited or lived in France, Spain, Argentina, Japan, Greenland, Norway, Ireland, Italy, Canada, Panama, and Finland. I spent time in other places but I can't exactly remember them all. My favorite movie would have to be "Interview with a Vampire". It's a little old but any movie that gives me the opportunity to stay at a young Brad Pitt gets my vote. Sadly, I have no idea where in the world Carmen Sandiego is. That brings back memories. You know, I was 9 years old when that first came out. I had a hard time trying to figure out all the clues. But it definitely made my childhood fun. I think that's why I enjoy traveling so much. Okay, so 1) what inspires you the most? 2) What is your dream place of residence? 3) What made you start working for Manning's Architecture and Landscapes? 4) Who is your favorite type of musical artist? 5) Do you know why a raven's like a writing desk?

From Top



Dear Mysterious Mr. Top (that's what my sister calls you),

Oh man. It's been a very busy week in the office. I could only guess it has something to do with the boss or something. Everyone's been running around like chickens with their heads cut off. Speaking of which, do you work on my floor as well? It's so strange how notes just appear on my desk. I like it though. And thank you for the coffee. It was very much needed. Also, you don't have to keep buying me things. I'm grateful but it's okay if you don't continue to do so. I guess what inspires me most is my mom. She's always pushing me to work hard. Especially when I chose graphic design as my major in college. My dad had a fit about it. He and my mom had divorced when I was 14 or 15 so he was probably the last to know my decision. He wanted me to follow in his footsteps and become a lawyer. Let's just say I have a hard time lying and being a lawyer would not suit me at all. I think I've always wanted to settle down in a quiet setting. I just like the idea of living near like a lake or pond surrounded by a lot of trees. I love nature. It's so peaceful. I think it's great that you've been to so many places! The only places I've ever been outside of California is New York and Hawaii. NYU is where I received my degree in Graphic Design. Of course I've been to the company trips to Hawaii but my mom and step dad have taken me to Hawaii as well for family vacations. I started working here because it seemed like a good fit for me. I was able to use my degree for something I'd never even thought about and I've come to really love it here. There are some great co-workers and bosses here. My favorite music artists are The Script. Their music just speaks to my soul, although sometimes it can be very depressing. I still love them. Unfortunately, I have no clue why a raven is like a writing desk. I have heard some people say that it's because Poe wrote on them both. I guess that make sense, don't you think? He wrote on a writing desk and he wrote about a Raven. Makes sense to me. Of course I should ask 'How are you doing lately?' I can't believe we've never asked each other that and it's been almost a month since we first exchanged letters. I'm honestly out of questions. Although, I'm sure there are many more things I should be asking you. Like if you're married or in a relationship. In fact that should have been my first question. I'm a little slow on things, however. I do hope to hear from you soon.

From Top, To Bottom (manxman)Where stories live. Discover now