Oh Great...

471 14 4

(TW: Mentions of vomit. Not very long though and doesn't go into detail. Skip to ~~~ if needed.)


I sat in the corner, heavily breathing with my eyes closed. "You are just a ray of sunshine, aren't you?" I rested my left arm over my stomach. Irene, you're gonna be a pain. Aren't you? I thought sleepily.

"Y/N?" A voice called from around the ruin.

"Over here!" I pressed my back against the wall and pushed myself up to my feet. Aaron rounded the corner not long after.

He looked me up and down. "What are you doing over... here..?" He trailed off as he spotted the puddle of vomit near the bushes.

"I'm fine really." I tried to wave him off.


"No that's it. You've been 'sick' a lot recently." He put air quotes around sick. "What's wrong with you?"

"No, really," I rubbed the back of my neck and stepped in front of the bushes. "I'm fine. It's probably the change in the air. We are quite a bit north-"

Aaron crossed his arms. "Don't lie. You're brother told me that you are quite used to travel so nothing of the sort should affect you."

I could tell that Aaron wasn't going to back down until I told him. "Shit," I mumbled. "Um... well... Oh great..."

"Just tell me."

"I really don't want to. You- You're gonna tell my brother and I don't want him to know. There's no need." I crossed my arms, too, except I did it protectively.

"I won't tell him if you tell me."

Damn, he's good at bargaining.

"Well... Heh heh." I closed my eyes and turned my head away. "Funny story..." He sighed a bit, but it was one of those patient sighs. "I'm pregnant." I looked back up to catch the look of surprise.



Aaron sighed heavily and took a deep breath in. "When... When did you..."

"See that's the other funny part." I laughed sadly. "It... um... wasn't my choice. And I'm around 3 months along."

"3 months? Already?" I nodded. "Does anyone else know?"

"Lucinda and Hailey know. But that's because they cornered me."

He opened his mouth but hesitated. "Who's... the father?"


Aphmau's POV

"They sure are taking a while." Katelyn sighed.

I put a hand on her shoulder. "Garroth told me that Jace tasked Aaron with looking out for Y/N. I'm sure he's probably just having a hard time getting her to open up." I looked at the ruin that hid their location. "I hope it's nothing too serious."

When they finally came back over, I could tell that Y/N felt nervous. Or at least she appeared so. She's so good a hiding and disguising her emotions that I have no clue how she's feeling 90% of the time; which probably isn't that much of a shocker.

As they walked back over, I could see the change in the relationship they had. He knows something I don't, and I'm not quite sure how to feel about that.

"Is everything alright between you two?" Katelyn asked.

Y/N nodded while Aaron responded. "Yeah, she was just calling Jace. Nothing too important."

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