Elenor L/N

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"You look nice without those shadows over your face." Travis complimented me.

I gently rocked the little girl back and forth as I rolled my eyes. "Thanks, I guess. But that's not the most pressing matter right now."

"Where did you find her?" Lucinda asked.

"Well Laurence fell into a cave and then we followed him down. Which is when we came across a pack of wyverns. And they had the baby." Aphmau rambled out.

"Why did a pack of wyverns have a human baby?" Katelyn asked, raising an eyebrow.

"She came from a shipwreck that happened on the other side of the island. A woman presumably her mother was cradling her. The pack leader said the woman begged desperately for them to take her baby before passing away." Garroth explained for Aphmau, who got a little choked up when she tried.

"How did you guys talk to wyverns?" Travis asked. "No one since the time of Irene has been reported to do that."

Aphmau looked at me and I shrugged before smiling. "Well there's a bit more to the story than this but to put it simply, I am Irene. And Shade-"

I cut Aphmau off and looked at Travis. "It's Y/N."

The surprise washed over Aphmau's face quickly before she smiled. "And Y/N, over here, would happen to be Irene's closest guard and friend. She's been waiting almost 1,000 years to see me again."

"It was closer to 900 but that's ok." I smiled and the little girl shifted in my arms.

"With a reputation like yours, I would've never guessed that you would be this good with children." Laurence commented on my 'parenting skills'.

I chuckled softly and continued to rock this little angel. "You forget that I helped Lucinda's mother raise her. I've also helped many others raise their children." Lucinda smiled slightly before quickly hugging my side.

"You were nice once?" Laurence rolled his eyes. I could tell the Shadow Knight in him was breaking out. It must be because he was away from the nether for too long.

"LAURENCE!" Aph lightly shoved him.

I put one hand up and held on to the bundle in my arms tighter. "It's fine Aphmau. Please don't raise your voice and wake the baby."

Aphmau grabbed Laurence by the arm and dragged him a little farther down the beach. "Since you seem to be caring for the child already, how about you keep it and raise it as your own," Garroth suggested.

Lucinda and I shared a nervous glance. I mean, I am already going to have a child but Aphmau has expressed that she doesn't want to and is content with her boys. The guys and Katelyn are all guards and won't have enough time to watch over the child. And Lucinda has expressed her disdain for becoming a mother. I sighed and took a deep breath in. "Very well. I suppose I shall."

Time Skip

The little girl grabbed onto my shirt as I tried to set her down on the bed. "Fine, I'll lay down with you." I laid on my side with the baby closely hugging my front, still sleeping. "I need to give you a name sweety..." I mumbled. She shifted in her sleep and turned onto her back. "You look like a child born from light." Her golden-brown hair shimmered slightly from the light from the window. The glimpse I caught of her eyes made them look blue. She's very peaceful and sleeps a lot.

I pursed my lips in thought before gently rolling onto my back and picking her up and laying her on my stomach. She nestled her cheek into my stomach. I pulled the communication device out of my pocket and opened it so she's out of view. Jace answered not long after. "What's up?"

"Well, I need your advice on something." He nodded to signal that I should continue. "We stopped on a nearby island and found a pack of royal golden wyverns. They were protecting a baby." At the mention of the child, I moved the device down a bit lower to reveal the sleeping angel.

"Why was there a child with a pack of wyverns?!" Jace exclaimed.

"I'll explain another time. But looking at her, she looks like a child born from light. She has golden-brown hair and blue eyes. She's very peaceful and sleeps a lot. What would a creature of the light name her?"

Jace tilted his head slightly. "The description you gave me makes me think of that woman who helped us so long ago."

"You mean Elenor?" JJ nodded. "Well then, she can be named Elenor L/N." JJ and I said our goodbyes and I returned the communication device to my pocket.

The original Elenor L/N was a woman that took my brother and me in a very long time ago. She was part of the third human civilization we ever found and she was the only one who was really nice to us. Elenor and her husband, Raymond, explained to us that they were unable to ever have children and would be delighted to take us in. We were both very young, him: 11 (in Light years) and me: 13 (in Shadow years). It was so long ago.

And they just so happened to look exactly like us! It was like they were destined to be our parents. So we stayed and referred to them as mom and dad. They were our parents then and they're our parents now. Not long after they took us in, I told them what we were and that we wouldn't age a fast as they do. Elenor and Raymond had been so understanding it was amazing! They took it so well and understood that they would never get to see their babies grow up.

It was hard on us when they passed. But I think it was harder on Jace because he was young enough that he got so closely attached to them. There's not a day that goes by when I don't think of them.

Elenor shifted on my stomach before lifting her head and babbling cutely. She fit the name Elenor quite well; it literally means light. And this girl definitely acted like she was a light creature. "How does the name Elenor sound to you deary?" She babbled before smiling cutely. "Alright! Elenor it is."

Time Skip

Elenor was back to sleeping after drinking some milk we had on hand. Carefully holding her, I stood next to Aphmau as she stood at the helm. "Well, I think Elenor is a beautiful name," Aphmau said.

"We need to make sure that everyone else knows that her name is Elenor. I don't want people accidentally calling her something else."

Aphmau nodded at my words. "I agree. But you mentioned something about the name holding meaning to you. Could you tell me why?"

This is where I shall stop this chapter. It's been a while since I wrote something down here and I just want to confirm one thing. Yes, the child they found is originally Lilith Garnet. But I figured since you are the one that would be caring for the child, you wouldn't name her that exact name. Besides, it makes more sense for you to name her something that means something to you.

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