Chapter 69 - The Gift

Start from the beginning

- Today is my girl's birthday. And the fact that you are in the hospital does not mean that we will not celebrate it. I made some preparations for the evening.

- Will we have a real feast? - Defne was delighted.

- The most real! - promised Omer.

Since the morning, Kartal could not find a place for himself. He worried about Mirai. Yesterday evening was a huge shock for her, and the man was worried about her state of mind. He called a couple of times, but the telephone conversations did not calm him down. Kartal knew firsthand how skillfully Mirai was able to hide the pain. But, even hidden, it burned and tormented him. He loved this woman so much and wanted her to be calm and happy. So that suffering never again tormented her soul. Hiding his phone in the pocket, he got into the car and drove to the house, which for some time now became his family.

He saw Mirai from afar. She, as always, refined and impeccably elegant in a beige dress and open shoes walked along the sidewalk to the taxi stop. He was glad that he was in time and hurried to her.

He immediately recognized the man who called out to her. Kartal saw him yesterday in the house of Engin Astarkhan and knew that he was none other than Mehmet Astarkhan, Mirai's ex-husband. A man who abandoned his wife after being raped and abandoned his children. Who drove the family out of the house without a penny! Never remembered her for seven years. And what does he want now?

He came closer and stopped, ready to help at any second.

- Mehmet? What are you doing here? - Mirai asked in a strange, cold voice.

"I came to talk," the man replied. - To apologize. I am guilty before you. And in front of the children, I am to blame. Forgive me if you can.

Mirai was silent. Kartal felt her anger with his skin, and it was transmitted to him. As if they had one soul for two and her pain was his pain.

- Forgive you? Mirai asked hoarsely. - Do you think that this can be forgiven? The girls were only a year old! Year! Quite small and I left them to ten-year-old Mert and went to work. Because otherwise, we would starve to death. They sat in a damp basement, and their cough did not stop in winter or summer. They didn't have toys, they didn't have enough food. They dressed in rags given by compassionate neighbors. They didn't see their mother, because I took on any job, just to rent a normal apartment and pull the children out of the dampness and mold. Are you talking about forgiveness now? To hell with you!!! Go away and don't dare come close to us ever! Mirai's voice vibrated. There was a steely determination and barely contained rage in it.

Mehmet lowered his head and muttered dully:

- I then went crazy. Didn't think about anything, except that you cheated on me. I was jealous...

"I was raped," Mirai hissed through clenched teeth, interrupting him.

"But Hazal and... he... said something else," the man stammered.

Kartal approached Mirai, stood beside her and, taking her hand, spoke with contempt:

- And you believed everyone except your wife.

Mirai raised her surprised eyes at him, and in the next moment gratitude and unconditional love sparked in them.

"You're here," she whispered, and he nodded silently.

Mehmet's eyes lit up with an unkind fire.

- Who is he? - he asked.

"The man Mirai is marrying," Kartal answered firmly, and Mirai felt herself the happiest of women.

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