M.I.A. (1)

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Men in white armor patrolled the Countdown Freelancer Facility, which housed a single Saber Class aircraft, the rest having been deployed elsewhere. Two men were down in the ventilation shaft, three large vents surrounded them, investigating a sudden shut down in the system.

Soldier 1: Everything looks fine. You sure the CO isn't just losing it?

Soldier 2: Hey, I saw it too, man. The computer said these things were turned off, there has to be a trace of whatever caused it.

Solider 1: Are you sure?

Soldier 2: Yes, they were blinking red and everything.

Soldier 1: You color blind?

Soldier 2: No!

Soldier 1: Alright, then you're fucking insane. There isn't shit down here.

Soldier 2: I'm not crazy! Something has to be down here, man!

Soldier 1: What? Are you expecting aliens or something?

Soldier 2: Xenomorph?

Soldier 1: You're a dumbass.

Soldier 2: What about the Predator?

Soldier 1: Again, you're a dumbass.

There was small shuffle echoing through the small room.

Soldier 2: Did you hear that?

Soldier 1: The only thing I hear is your quivering, man.

Soldier 2: No, I'm serious. I heard like, footsteps.

Soldier 1: Yeah, that's because you've been pacing back and forth like an idiot for the last hour.

Soldier 2: Hey man. . . Doesn't the Predator have camouflage?

Soldier 1: Yeah, why?

Soldier 2: Uhh. . . I think I saw a blur behind you.

Soldier 1: Alright man, stop fuckin' around and report to the captain.

Soldier 2: Dude, seriously! I'm not crazy!

Soldier 1: Yeah, sure you ar- Agh!

The soldier was suddenly kicked into a wall and before the other could react, he was pushed forward for an arm to lift him into the air and slam him onto the ground! One of the assailants then deactivated their Active Camouflage. . . .

Hawaii: You'd expect these guys to start actually doing their job right

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Hawaii: You'd expect these guys to start actually doing their job right.

She wielded an Assault Rifle and a Shotgun. The second then followed suit, a woman in black armor appearing, wielding a Magnum and DMR.

Tex: Eh, Freelancer is full of dumbasses.

A magenta AI appeared on the crimson armored girl.

Zeta: My calculations deduce that eighty percent of Project Freelancer is manned by dumbasses.

Red Vs Blue, & there's Magenta: Season NineWhere stories live. Discover now