"Not really... I guess."

"What does that mean" I laughed.

"Well, you guys are pretty good at not being all lovey-dovey around me, but it's still weird just because I know you guys are together" he answered.

"I get that" I said.

"Can I ask you something" he asked.

"Shoot" I said, using his term.

"You always invite me on your guy's... dates, I guess. You always ask me if I want to hang out with you guys whenever you do something. Not that I don't appreciate it, but I just wanna know why you do it?"

"I hate seeing people alone. I know how close you and Garrett are, and I don't ever want to come in between that! My older siblings started to ignore me as soon as they got girlfriends or boyfriends, and I was always hurt. I just don't ever want you to feel like I'm trying to replace you. I want Garrett to add me to his life, not use me as a replacement" I answered honestly.

"And... I may or may not enjoy being around you a lot" I added with a smile.

"Ah, you're just sayin' that" he blushed.

"No, I'm not. I'm serious" I said trying to sound as serious as possible.

"I meant everything I said. I don't want you left out, and I want to be your friend."

"That's sweet, Rachelle" he said with a smile.

"It's just human decency" I said, not knowing how to take a compliment.

"No. You're just an amazing person" he said.

"Ok, that's enough. I can't handle this mushy stuff" I said pushing him jokingly.


We were watching the Golden Girls when we heard the door open. Neither one of us moved when Garrett yelled "I'm here."

"We're up here" Mo yelled.

"Should I be worried" Garrett asked as he stood in the doorway looking at us nearly cuddling.

"That's a dumb question. If we were really canoodling we wouldn't be so obvious about it" Mo said as we both giggled.

"So, you aren't 'canoodling'" he asked as he used his hands to quote his brother.

"Obviously not" I said rolling my eyes.

"Then come eat" he said.

Mo and I looked at each other like children on Christmas morning. Wide eyes and all.

"Food" we exclaimed simultaneously.




"Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course" I answered.

"The other night..." he started.

Oh, goodness.

"Did you mean what you said" he asked.

"Which part?"

I knew exactly what he meant.

"Do you love me" he asked as he rubbed my stomach.

"Yes. I think I do."

I could feel his body tense up at my words.

"What happened to not believing in love?"

I realized that this was a serious conversation, so I turned to look at his face. I was mesmerized as soon as I looked into his hazel eyes. He was so beautiful. An actual angel.

"I think I've always believed, I just— I... I've been hurt so much, you know?"

He nodded.

"I guess I thought if I didn't admit I believed in it then I wouldn't have to be obligated to care about someone..."

"Why didn't you want to believe in it" he asked curiously.

"I've seen what it does to people. It makes you do things no normal person would do. It's a trap for bad people, and a crutch for good ones."

"What do you mean?"

"Bad people use 'love' as a trap when they want to use someone, and good people use 'love' as a crutch so they aren't alone" I thought out loud.

"I guess it's like that sometimes.... The negative side of it anyway" he said softly.

"We're the exception" I smiled.

"Oh, ya?"

"Mhhm" I hummed.

He kissed me while I continued to think.

"I don't want to lose myself, but I'm already so lost in you..."

Garrett's Other SideWhere stories live. Discover now