Ch 34: Linked

866 39 6

"that he made an excellent point."

Fenrys POV

Before Aelin could answer, the doors of the meeting room banged open and Tamlin entered with a sneer already on his face. "What the hell do you mean 'your world'?" he roared, apparently unaware of the revealing. Aelin was looking at him with a deadpan look as if to say 'was there a point to all that shouting or are you just an idiot?' which Tamlin conveniently ignored. He looked straight at Rhysand with accusing eyes as if everything was his fault. Kallias though, didn't break his stare from Aelin, and answered with a non  chalant wave of his hand. "Helion told us after you left. She's fae and from another world." he said, gesturing towards her. Tamlin turned his gaze to find pointed ears instead of rounded ones on Aelin. His face grew angrier if that was even possible.

"As I was saying." Aelin said with gritted teeth, looking intensely in Kallias's eyes who was returning the gesture. "If Maeve defeats our world, she will come for yours next so, if we could just finish the war in my world then it will be a win-win." she explained, and I was quite impressed. That seemed like something that would make the High Lords think. "What do you expect we do about Hybern then?" Kallias asked. I didn't have a clue as to what he was saying. Who the hell is Hybern. Aelin didn't know either if her expression had anything to say about it but before our inability to answer could have lost us any possible support fro the other, Rhysand stepped in. "They'll help. It's an exchange you could say. We help them and then they help us." 

That was a big thing to promise without the actual person's consent and I was about to deny what he was saying but I wisely looked towards Aelin before doing something rash only to find her nodding her head in agreement.


Far away on an island away from the chaos that was Prythian, a king prepared the cauldron for the job it was meant to do. The black liquid bubbled and boiled as the spells required for it to work were chanted. 

He was planning something, something catastrophic and apocalyptic. Something that would take everyone by surprise besides his allies. Something that would bring everything right where he wanted it to be. 

Meeting with the queen of the valg had been an unexpected but welcome surprise. Allying their forces making it a win-win situation was the perfect plan. "It'll be ready by tomorrow, your majesty" 

The king of Hybern nodded, and stepped out of the room as visions of raining hellfire on all of Prythian's High Lords took root in his mind. He smiled an evil sadistic smile before he went to prepare his armies for the battle of a lifetime.


Fenrys POV

Kallias, Thesan, Helion and Tarquin all had this thoughtful expression on their faces as if they were actualy thinking it through but Tamlin, the annoying prick, just wasn't having it. "We don't need your help! Not if we don't waste our resources on fighting your enemies. Who are you to even think yourself worthy of our help! You're just a woman." he sneered, looking directly at Aelin. I snarled at him, Rhysand joining me, for that. He just ignored us and kept on glaring at Aelin. "Need I remind you what a woman can do when she is threatened." she said with a snarky smile and a look towards Feyre, reminding him of the thin ie he was standing on.

"And you." he roared, turning towards Feyre, his fingers tearing themselves into claws which took me off guard. I got up from the chair along with Rhysand, ready to protect the High Lady of the Night Court, but Aelin beat us to it. She stepped in front of Feyre, snarling and revealing her elongated canines. Tamlin took a step back not expecting that since the fae here don't have them. "Don't yo-" Aelin started but was cut off by an ear-piercing shriek. A scream that tore itself from my throat. 


Aedion POV

Dorian was laying on the ground panting, like someone had made him run a hundred miles and he was too tired to even breath now. A huge wyvern had flown in and we all had had our weapons at the ready to take it down only for it to transform into Dorian a little ways away from the ground, dropping two passengers from on him, sending them tumbling through the air. "He's just tired. He'll be fine with some rest." said a vaguely familiar voice. I turned towards it's owner only to find a brunette version of Fenrys. 

My feet were moving towards him the next second. I crushed him into a man hug whispering the only thing that my brain could come up with at that moment. "Fenrys, you're alive." I said in his ear, thinking about the fact that he should have kept his hair blonde. "You know my brother?" he said before pulling back. I had no idea what he was talking about so I gave him a confused look, asking him "what the hell does that mean?" 

"I'm not Fenrys. I'm his twin." he said with a worried look on his face. All hope that was flooding me moments ago was gone. "Where is he?" he asked, and I gave him a sympathetic look, feeling a little depressed about informing a twin that his other half was under the clutches of an evil queen who destroys all she touches. He sighed, as he understood what I was silently trying to say. "I'll fight her. I need to get him back, he's done everything for me. He gave up everything for me. I won't lose him to her." he said, shaking his head, which seemed like he was trying to tell all that to himself more than us.

I was about to tell him that it was okay and that we would help him because Fenrys was important to me as well, but before I could do that, a gasp left his mouth as his back arched with pain. A knife as black as the night itself protruded from his abdomen, as he struggled to catch a breath. Behind him stood something we were not prepared for after days on inactivity, something that I dreaded and hated with every fathom of my being. "Valg" nox whispered as I unsheathed my sword and swung it across the human turned demon's neck.


Aelin POV

Fenrys was on the floor, clutching his abdomen as if someone had just stabbed him. I made my way across the crowd and knelt beside him as he screamed. I rubbed his back, trying whatever I could to soothe him, and he visibly calmed at my touch but his face was still contorted with pain. "What is it?" I asked him gently, trying to find out what was hurting him so I could help. 

He looked at me then, his screaming stopped but his eyebrows still creased with worry. "Its started. Connall he-. It's started." he said. Panic erupted in me at the implication of what he was saying. How he knew and why he spoke Connall's name I didn't understand but I did know that he wasn't faking the pain. Something was wrong at home and someone that Fenrys was linked to was feeling it.

𝐀 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭 𝐎𝐟 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐬 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐫𝐬حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن