Ch 4: Lillian and Sam

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Feyre POV
Tamlin was not very happy that a human and a white wolf that was snarling at him a few hours ago were sitting at his dinner table. And he made it no secret.
"What are your names!" he practically snarled in their faces.
"My name is Lillian and that is Sam" the girl answered. Tamlin didn't look like he was going to say something else before he started accusing them of things, which I knew he would do so I said instead,"my name is Feyre, the redhead is Lucien and he is Tamlin." I said. The girl- Lillian- smiled at me and then looked towards Tamlin as if she was coaxing him to start the interrogation.
"Are you a spy? Did Rhys send you to take Feyre back!?" Tamlin growled. I wanted to growl right back and maybe stab him in the eye during the process but I had to play damsel in distress, and so I flinched. Lillian stared at me, like she could see right through my lies. Then she turned her head to Tamlin and gave a confused look, along with Sam. "Answer me!" was Tamlin's reaction. Not one of the guests flinched, which honestly surprised me. Most humans would go running by now.

"We don't know this Rhys person, or why he would send someone to kidnap Feyre. I assure you" the girl answered, diplomatically if I do say so myself.
"How did you get those wounds? The ones you had when you came here?" asked Lucien. Wariness was shining in his eyes but I couldn't blame him, I was a little wary too.
"Someone captured me to get to my husband." She answered smoothly. Sam looked at her, stared at her, and had a look of disbelief, at what I didn't know.

"You can stay here, for the time being, until someone comes for you" I declared and I could feel Tamlin's eyes burning holes in my back but I pretended not to notice and kept looking at the people seated next to me. They nodded their appreciation, and then the girl turned towards Sam with pleading eyes, something I couldn't understood, was in them as a question. Relief and gratitude flooded Sam's face and he turned towards us. "We would like to sleep in the same room if you don't mind." He said. I nodded my 'okay' and then turned towards Tamlin who was somehow glaring at me and looking at them sceptically at the same time. I glared at him right back, showing him that they were staying with us and that was the end of the discussion. He looked away and I knew I had won.

"Why don't we all finish dinner, and then I will take you to your room."
And with that everyone dove in.

Aelin POV
Drawing those wyrdmarks took the edge off my magic. I was this close to exploding and causing an energy wave which would have told the whole world that I was free, which thankfully didn't happen. My human form helped, but the magic was still overwhelming and thrumming in my veins, but I would live, and hopefully not burn myself inside out.

When Feyre left us alone on our room I sighed in relief and fell face first on the bed, not even bothering to change.
"You know Whitehorn is going to skin me alive if he finds out that we were sharing a bedroom right?" He said.
"I will skin him alive if he starts being a territorial fae bastard again. He knows nothing is going to happen, you're like my brother." Was my swift, but very true reply.
He chuckled and sat down on the bed besides my paralysed form.
"Thank you. For agreeing to this. I don't think I can sleep alone and not be plagued by nightmares right now." I told him. My eyes were closed, but I could hear him nod his head, his hand came and started stroking my hair in a brotherly manner saying 'it's fine, I'm here' and then everything slowly went black with exhaustion.

Feyre POV
Lying in my room, alone thankfully, I was thinking about the events of the day when I felt a wave of darkness, lovingly stroke my shields. I instantly dropped them.
"Hey Feyre darling, is everything okay? I can feel you being worried."
"Hey Rhys. Yeah everything is fine. was a little unexpected"
"What happened, love?"
"A human girl and a fae male landed in the spring court today through a black portal, and the girl. Sh-she was so badly wounded, mauled everywhere, barely 20. And the male was protecting her because she's pregnant, but she doesn't know. The male claims to be like her brother because she saved him and then I was thinking about you and our court, and I just-"
"I understand darling, we miss you too. The second you want to come back tell me okay? We miss you so much here. Mor and Amren are still pissed at me for leaving you there alone and I am this close to going crazy."
"I will Rhys. Tell the girls to not worry. I love you so much." I said and then fell asleep, but I could here Rhys whisper 'I love you too Feyre darling' before he left me to sleep.

Aelin POV
I woke up in the middle of the night with this overwhelming need to puke and so I leapt out of bed to the attached washroom. Somewhere along the night Fenrys had transformed into a wolf and was sleeping next to me, keeping me warm for which I was grateful but as soon as I got up, the cold hit me hard, and made my teeth start chattering. I steadied myself and slowly walked towards the washroom and lunged towards the toilet in the last few steps, hurling my guts out.

Fenrys came in, still a wolf, and blinked three times at me. I nodded and threw up once again. I knew I wasn't a pretty sight with my head half stuck in a toilet but I was a little busy right now puking my guts out to bother hiding my nausea.
Fenrys transformed back and came and sat next to me. I looked at him before I had to go back to puking. Fenrys held my hair back and was rubbing my back in a comforting manner. I wasn't new to this feeling. Starvation does have its consequences. And I could swear that I heard Fenrys whisper 'liar' under his breath before resting his head back on the wall, while still holding my hair.

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