Ch 33: Allies

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"Tomorrow." he said, before turning around and leaving."

Rhysand POV
I was not looking forward to the meeting. I knew that Aelin wasn't the innocent little village girl she pretended to be. Chaos was going to ensue if Tamlin said one wrong thing, I knew that too. It still failed to make me excited. Last night, lying in bed I realised that Keir wouldn't help. He was incharge of the armies we would need to fight Maeve. Even if I did back out though, out of aiding Aelin and her world, it would be still be futile because without the help they would lose, and then Maeve would come here next, to devour the world that defeated and humiliated her.

The Illyrians wouldn't be enough, I was sure of that after meeting the assailant first hand. The High Lord meeting would be a good chance to convince the other courts to help but two of them hated me and my court. The enemies I had made are coming to exact their revenge and I didn't have the heart to tell Aelin.

Standing infront of the mirror, looking at my reflection, trying to work something out -some way to convince everyone we needed help. Not just for Aelin, but for Prythian too.

Feyre stepped in the room, looking gorgeous in the gown my mother made for her, but she didn't know that. She came and wrapped her hands around my chest, resting her chin on my shoulder. "You look perfect. Very High Lordly." she said, and for a moment all the worries faded away. I turned around to face her and wrapped my hands around her waist, looking into her beautiful blue-grey eyes. "So do you. Very High Lady-like." I said, making her chuckle a little. The crowns on our heads shining in all their dark glory.

"You ready to go?" she asked me, looking at me worriedly. I sighed and turned back to the mirror. "Keir won't help. We need the help of the other High Lords and I don't know how to convince them." I confessed, my eyes closing in exhaustion. "Hey." she said, turning me around. "It's going to be fine. You can back out if you want to. I'm sure Aelin won't hate you." she said, placing her hand on my chest and looking straight in my eyes, trying to console me.

"Hate you for what?" someone asked from the doorway, and my eyes shot towards the sound. Aelin stood there, in the same gown she wore to Hewn City. She was looking at me we with worry in her eyes, as if she already knew what I was going to say. "Aelin look I-" "No. Tell me what it is Rhysand." she interrupted me. I decided that arguing would get me nowhere.

"Keir won't help after we humiliated him like that and I don't know how to convince the other High Lords to help." I revealed and looked down in shame, expecting something hateful to come out of her mouth, but it didn't. "Oh I know that, I was planning on convincing Helion, Kallias and Tarquin to help. I know Helion will, Tarquin seemed kind enough and I know there is a heart somewhere beneath all that cold in Kallias." she said, and I looked up to find her smiling at me. She walked towards me and took my hands in hers, "Hey. You're my brother, even if you can't help, nothing is going to change that." she said with love in her eyes, and I was a little taken aback with the honesty in her words. I gave her a smile in return and she looked towards Feyre giving her a look as if to say 'you take over now' and left the room.


Under the cover of darkness, an army so big it was impossible to count the soldiers, made its way through the forest, the trees veiling them from the wyvern flying above, with two men on board.

The Queen of the Valg had allied with her brother in law, joining her armies with his, all in hope to trick Erawen into giving her the keys that would ensure she would never have to leave this world- where she was the one with the true power.

The wyvern, unaware of the wickedness walking just below him, the very evil he was trying to warn his brother-in-arms about, flew with his wings spread wide, enjoying the air hitting his face, the only peace he would experience in a long time.

A black wolf and a human curled up in its fur sat on the wyvern's back, waiting for land eagerly, one to find his brother and the other to find his general.


Rhysand POV

Why we were taken in from the back door everytime like Thesan was embarrassed of our presence was beyond me. Trying to not take offense to the insult, I entered the room with Feyre beside me, my court, Aelin and Fenrys behind me. Kaltain opted to stay behind and no one needed to know that I was housing more otherworlders in my lands, it would cause pointless fighting.

Thesan, Kallias, Helion and Tarquin were talking with each other near the head of the table when we entered. The formalities were taken care of, the usual handshakes and 'welcome's'.

Thesan waved his hand and fashioned two extra seats, and we all took our seats, Thesan and all the others following us. Beron and Tamlin were nowhere to be seen which Aelin took as the perfect time to start her persuading. "High Lords, I have a motion to put forward." She started to which Kallias raised his brow as if to say 'who gave you permission to do that?' but Aelin ignored him and Kallias wisely shut up after Vivianne slapped his arm. Helion gestured for her to continue, ever the peacemaker. "My world is at war. Maeve, the one who seeks to take over our world has an army of trained fae and demons from hell itself. We need help in defeating her and I was hoping that you all could offer assistan-" "Why would we risk our people to help out a fae who has been lying since she stepped into this world and who we know nothing about?" Kallias interrupted.

Aelin did not look happy about it, but even she had to accept that he made an excellent point.

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