Ch 14: Evalin

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"Your pregnant."

Fenrys POV
A broken sound came out of Aelin, something I never thought I would hear. Tears escaped her eyes and her lips kept murmuring her mates name, as if in horror and then I realised. This is Lyria all over again, and it took him almost two centuries to get over that and she wasn't even his real mate. Her face contorted into one of pain and horror.

I was preparing to be murdered when a sudden weight fell in my arms, searing hot. I looked down to find Aelin in my arms, passed out. "We need a bed or something, I need to heal her." Said the guy who had blown my secret. I looked up at him to find him watching me carefully.
Thesan, the guy who had invited us here and who seemed to be in the good graces of the Night Court, stepped forward and out the doors- into the hallway, a winged male trailing behind him. Everything stops being weird when a supposedly dead person comes back to the living which is why the wings didn't spike my curiousity.

Thesan led us to a bedroom that didn't seem to be used very often guessing by the cold and dusty feeling. I laid Aelin down on the bed and sat beside her. The healer stood beside the bed, and placed his hands on her forehead and stomach. After a minute, his hands started glowing, and became brighter until they were the colour of fire, as if his hands were made of lava. Gasps were escaping his lips like he was in pain, his face crinkled into near tears.

He gasped a final time and released Aelin, his hands slowly losing their unnatural colour and returning to the slightly glowy skin beneath. He was panting and looking at Aelin with wonder and respect in his eyes. Thankfully no other high lord was inside the room except Thesan which left us with fewer confused faces. The bad news? We still had one to deal with.


Lorcan POV
The fae sitting on the table, which looked like the opposite of Mannon but seemed just as terrifying, looked bored as if people falling out of nowhere on her dinner table was an everyday occurence.
"You know Aelin." Gavriel said more than asked from beside me, his eyes fixed on the female. "Maybe." she replied nonchalantly. The smell of embers and pine filled my nose, "she was here. I can smell her." I said.

The fae just shrugged. "Could you just lead us to her and then we will be out of your way." Elide said, trying a more win-win situation objective but the female didn't seem interested. Threatening someone in their own territory, especially if they seem like Mannon was the worst possible idea, even to me but Elide didn't seem to think so. "We are trying to help everyone here. Could you please try to co-operate or is that too much time you would rather spend eating dinner and looking pathetic in a house of stone." she said in a very rare display of stupidity. The fae had a smile on her face now, as if she was glad someone had the guts to call her out. She got up, picked up her plate and walked out of the dinning room. I just sat there frozen, 'what just happened?' circulating in my mind. She stepped back in after a moment without her plate as if she hadn't even left, me, Gavriel and Elide still on the table staring at her dumbfounded. "You plan to stay on the table or are you coming down?" she asked before she took her previous seat, her legs crossed and her eyes staring at us expectantly.

We got off immediately and stood up on the stone floor. The fae gestured us to take a sit and we did, claiming the ones opposite her. "So will you take us to her?" Gavriel asked making the fae sigh and then shake her head. "I knew her mother you know. She was from this world but someone tried to kill her and her daughter so she escaped to another one, with my help. They got her daughter though. Tell me, what happened to Evalin?" she asked. "Will you help us if we answer your question?" countered Elide but the fae didn't respond, just kept staring at us like Elide hadn't said anything. Gavriel sighed after a moment and gestured to Elide to tell her since he and I had no idea. "Someone tried to kill her and her family in our world too, but this time they actually got her, only her daughter Aelin escaped." she said. The fae nodded like she already knew the answer but just needed to hear someone say it. "The ashryver family existed here to you know, Mab had got them here a long time ago. Mala had helped me transport Evalin back to your world. Had to alter memories into always remembering her existence. It was hard but atleast she had a seemingly good life." the fae remarked. No one mentioned that she was the wife of the crown-prince of Terrasen or that Aelin was now queen, because Aelin would not appreciate that since she had a habit to use aliases.

"About Aelin, she will be here soon don't worry." the fae said, easing our worries. "What should we call you?" I asked and she just responded with one word, without even looking up from her hands. "Amren."


Rowan POV

The second Maeve returned to an empty dungeon the whipping had started, and it hurt more with every hit but I refused to shout. How Aelin had gone through this so many times was beyond me but my love and respect for her impossibly increased. "Where are they?" she sneered but I didn't have the energy to answer her. I had been trying to keep it in, the pain that should have gone down the bond which was grueling especially with the bitch going at my back but Aelin came first. My teeth gritted with effort, when I felt something down the bond. The first anything from the bond in months. I knew this happened when one mate felt a surge of something very strong. What came down the bond sent me to my knees, a gust of love and sadness along with a conversation. "You're pregnant" ringing in my ears, my mind going into overdrive I let go. The magic in me burst out despite the iron, my feelings too many and too strong for iron to be able to contain them. Maeve fell back, surprised. Something struck me in that moment. If the chains were holding thanks to my magic, shouldn't I be able to control them?

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