A Happy Departure

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~Time skip about 20 years!~

Eric let out a sigh, looking at a photo of the three of us at Tiara's college graduation.

"Damn. Hard to believe our baby girl's all grown up," he murmured.

I walked over to him, taking his hand.

"You still love him, don't you?" I asked.

He let out a sigh, giving my hand a squeeze.

"Yeah. I'm sorry Y/N, I really am, but I've never really...never really stopped loving him."

"What do you want to do?" I asked.

He sighed again, letting go of my hand and walking to another picture frame. He looked at Tiara's senior portrait, eyes sad.

"I'm not sure. I love my daughter, she's the most important thing in the world to me. I'm afraid if I get back together with Bruce, she'll be hurt by finding out exactly why she...ended up being born, I guess. I'm not sure how to tell her that we only had a baby because I fully intended to raise her with someone else entirely."

"I think she knows, Eric, or at least suspects there's something between you and Bruce. You can't deny you're far closer with him than you are with Paul or Gene," I said. "And she's a smart girl."

"Yeah. I want you to be okay with it too, I don't want to hurt you ever again," he said, putting a hand on my cheek.

I put my hand on top of his.

"Maybe we should meet up and talk about this. You, and Bruce, and me," I said.

He nodded. "I'll call him and ask if he's free."

It didn't take long for the three of us to be sitting around the kitchen table. It was a bit tense at first before I took a deep breath.

"Eric, now that our daughter's out of the house, we don't really have anything to keep us together. There isn't really a need to stay together, and there isn't...necessarily the same pain that would come with separation anymore. We've had time together, almost 25 years, and it's been a very wonderful quarter of a century. But I'm willing to let you go," I said.

He looked between me and Bruce almost nervously.

"What do you think?" he asked, and Bruce shrugged.

"You know how I feel about you. But as I've said, that doesn't matter unless everyone is in agreement."

"I mean legally it wouldn't be an issue. It wouldn't be a divorce since we never got married," I said.

Eric nodded before taking my hands.

"And you're sure you're okay with it?" he asked.

I nodded.

"All I ask is that you stay in your daughter's life. I want you home for holidays and things like that," I said.

"I would never want to leave her life. And I don't want to leave yours either, if...if you're willing to still have me in it," he said.

I smiled, giving him a soft kiss on the cheek.

"I'm willing to, of course. You're a very dear friend to me, Eric, and I love you."

"I love you too," he murmured.

It took a month or two for Eric and I to work everything out, but at last it had all been arranged. Tiara admitted she had long been suspicious of exactly what kind of relationship Eric and Bruce had and said she didn't care if they got together so long as he stayed a part of her life, which Eric very happily agreed to, reassuring her he loved her more than anything.

So at last, Eric and I stood on the doorstep of what was now only my house. There was silence between us as we looked at each other, lost in memories of the past. Finally, he let out a sigh, putting a hand on my cheek.

"Y/N, I'm sorry things started out strange. And I'm sorry that I wasn't honest with you in the beginning. But I'm glad that it happened. I'm glad we had a daughter and we spent this time together," he murmured.

I smiled, giving his hand a squeeze.

"Me too. It worked out in the end, and I'm happy that we were happy together. And I'm happy you'll be happy with Bruce."

"You're sure you'll be okay?" he asked, and I nodded.

"I promise I'm happy. Don't worry, if I get lonely I'll find someone to date. Now go and be happy and tell Bruce I say hi."

He gave me one last kiss which I fondly returned before breaking apart.

"I'll see you later. I love you."

"I love you too," I murmured, letting go of his hand.

With a parting wave, he walked toward Bruce's car, sliding into the passenger seat and leaning over to give him a kiss. I watched with a smile as they drove off, before walking back inside, happy.


***Well I think I'll end it here for now!! This was so much fun to write, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did! Thank you so so much to aicamchl   for the inspiration, please go and check out her works, she's such a talented writer and has the best stories! Thank you so much for all the love and support, I love you all!! If you have any suggestions for another story, please let me know! ❤😘🥰😍(❤'艸`❤)('▽'ʃ♡ƪ)***

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