Heart is Racing

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There was a knock on my door and I pulled it open, giving Eric a scowl. He just looked at the floor, face turning red.

"How're you feeling? Is there anything I can do to help?" he asked.

"You can fix the mess you've gotten us into," I snapped. 

"I'm...I will. I promise I will," he said. "Now we do have a doctor's appointment to get you to, so um...we should probably get going," he said.

I let out a sigh, stepping out of my hotel room and walking down the hall with him, instinctively resting my hands on my stomach. I was three and a half months along now and was just starting to show. But despite it having been almost two months since I had figured out Eric's secret and the fact he was in a relationship with Bruce, he still hadn't managed to figure out what he was going to do. 

And for that matter, neither had I. I did still love Eric, but I was also incredibly hurt by what he had done. I wasn't even certain what I wanted to do with the baby either. A part of me wanted to raise it with Eric, a part of me wanted to just raise it on my own, and a part of me wanted to let Eric and Bruce adopt it. 

There were just too many options, too many possibilities with too many pros and cons for each one. And I was just in no state to work out which one was best at the moment. 

We stood at the elevator, waiting for it to arrive. There was an awkward silence between us before he let out a soft sigh. Our fingers brushed against each other's and I hesitated for a moment. Finally, my heart won over and I laced my fingers through his, giving his hand a squeeze. 

"I promise we'll make it all work out," he murmured. 

I did my best to give him a smile. "Well. I hope so." 

He snuck me down to his car, driving off to the doctor's office. We waited in the waiting room, still in an awkward and almost tense silence, before we got called back.

I stepped on the scale, watching as the nurse made a note saying I was 5 pounds heavier now. Eric just stood silently off to the side as they took my blood pressure and some other samples before at last we moved to a smaller room. I sat on the chair, leaning back as the doctor gave us a smile.

"Well, shall we take a listen to your baby's heartbeat?" she asked.

My heart leapt and I instinctively picked up Eric's hand, giving it a squeeze, and he squeezed it right back, seemingly equally excited, and for once I was able to forget the mess we were in. For once I was able to imagine we were just a normal couple expecting a child and there was no conflict between which couple that child was going to end up with. 

The doctor moved the wand of the Doppler monitor across my stomach. I caught my breath, waiting eagerly, and felt happy tears well up in my eyes at the fluttery sound of my baby's heartbeat.

"Congratulations! The heartbeat is very strong, your baby seems perfectly healthy," she said. 

I let out a relieved laugh, overwhelmed with emotion, and Eric gave me a kiss on the lips, our first genuine kiss since I had found out about Bruce and confronted him. It felt nice, and I wanted the fleeting happiness to last forever. But of course, it couldn't. 

His phone rang, interrupting the moment and the sound of our baby's heartbeat. He looked at his phone, doing a double take. I frowned as his eyes went wide. 

"What's wrong? Who's calling?" I asked.

He shook his head, hanging up on the caller and giving me a smile. "It doesn't matter. What matters is you and the baby right now," he said. 

My heart started to race, blood running cold. "Eric who's calling?" I asked.

His smile wavered a bit, eyes brimming with panic.

"I'll tell you when we're heading home," he said. 

Not at all satisfied, I nodded, trying to focus on the baby and what the doctor was telling me. But out of the corner of my eye, I could see him hanging up on another call. And then another, and another. 

I could barely focus as the doctor did a sonogram as well. I was excited to see our baby on the screen, I always was, but it didn't feel the same this time, I couldn't only focus on that. I just moved through the motions, accepting the envelope with the ultrasound pictures and scheduling an appointment for next month.

Once that had been taken care of, I grabbed Eric's arm, dragging him to the parking lot. 

"What's going on? Who's calling you?" I snapped.

He looked at his phone, taking a deep breath before looking at me, opening his mouth to answer.

UH! All Night: A Y/N x Eric Carr StoryWhere stories live. Discover now