Finally A Decision

453 18 14

Eric POV

I walked down the hall with Bruce. Neither of us really said anything to each other. As we drew to a halt in front of the elevator, he let out a shuddery sigh.

"I'm really sorry," he whispered. 

I took his hand, giving it a squeeze. "You don't need to be. It's okay, I promise." 

Nodding, he stepped into the elevator with me, going up one floor to Gene's room, where he and Paul were waiting for us. 

"I-I mean in a way it kind of works out. I was going to say we should tell them. The...the secrecy was getting to be a lot," Bruce mumbled, and I felt my stomach twist.

"Yeah. Secrecy," I said, thinking about the huge secret I was hiding, not just from Gene and Paul but from Bruce too.

He gave me a small smile.

"And I mean hey, it would've been kind of hard to keep our relationship a secret when we ended up going through with adopting a kid," he said with a weak chuckle.

"Right, yeah. You do still want to have a kid, right?" I asked.

"Mhm! I'd love to have a family with you. Like adopt one or do surrogacy or something," he said.

"Um Bruce I-I need to tell you something," I said, drawing to a halt.

He paused, giving me a confused look.

"What is it?" 

I froze, heart starting to race as I stared at him. 

"I might've been the one who spilled the secret, I got drunk around Gene a few nights ago. So please, please don't feel bad," I settled on.

He grinned, ruffling my hair.

"Well, either way, the secret's out to them. Might as well talk about it," he said, giving me a soft kiss and knocking on Gene's door.


There was a knock on my door and I pulled it open, looking at Eric.

"Well? What's going on?" I asked.

He shut the door behind him, face still a bit pale.

"I uh...well, Bruce accidentally got drunk and told Paul about how me and him were dating," he said.

I raised an eyebrow. 

"Oh? So what happened? Are you going to break up with him?" I asked, almost hoping he would say yes.

"No, I...well, I don't know. Not because of this. Maybe because of everything with the baby. But not because of Gene and Paul. They said they didn't care, they just told us to stay safe and not let anyone else know," he said, running a hand through his hair.

My eyebrow raised higher. 

"Have you told Bruce?" 

"N-no," he mumbled. "But I know he does still want a kid. I asked him about that. S-so there's...there's that," he said, before taking a deep breath.

"Y/N, what do you want to do? It's your decision too, it's your baby, and I should've been more up front about what I was planning to do before I got you pregnant, and I really am sorry, I'm so sorry about that," he said. 

I frowned, resting my hands on my baby bump. 

"I wanted to have a baby with you. I don't think I'm ready to be a single mother. So I suppose...I suppose if Bruce isn't so mad at you for going behind his back and getting me pregnant, then I would be okay with having the two of you adopting the child. But I'd of course still like to be able to see the baby at times, maybe be like an aunt to it. And if he doesn't want to still be with you after what you've done, then I'd like to stay with you, and raise the baby as a couple," I said.

He nodded, giving me a soft smile and taking my hands. "That works. That really works, I promise. Of course when Bruce and I adopt the baby you'll be a part of it's life, like an aunt like you said! I won't shut you out of my life or anything, I'll actually introduce you to everyone and-"

I held up a hand, cutting him off. "When? So you know for a fact it'll happen?" I asked, not even sure what I wanted the answer to be.

He flinched, giving my hands a squeeze.

"Well I mean I don't...technically know for a fact it'll happen. But Bruce and I are really in love, we've been together for awhile, like four years or something! So I seems to me that most likely that's what'll happen," he said.

"Why don't you just ask him?! Just talk to him, just explain it and then we can know for sure!" I said, practically begging him.

But he dropped my hands, shaking his head. "Not yet. I'll do it soon, b-but not yet." 

Heaving a sigh, I sat on the couch, slipping on the comfy slippers he had gotten me awhile ago.

"You better. I'd really prefer if you took care of that before the baby was born," I grumbled. 

Because if he didn't, I really didn't know what would happen. I couldn't imagine Bruce would be too excited to find out his boyfriend of four or five years had technically cheated on him to get them a kid, and to have to find that out when said baby was born. 

UH! All Night: A Y/N x Eric Carr StoryWhere stories live. Discover now