A Part of the Family?

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Tiara laid on the floor, reading a book with her legs kicking the air. 

"Mama?" she asked.

"What's up sweet pea?" I asked.

"Why's Daddy crying?"

I shook my head with a faint smile.

"Your daddy is just very happy to see his special friend Bruce again."

"But Mama! People don't cry when they're happy! Crying is for sad!" she protested. 

"Well sometimes people get so happy they cry! Now come on, why don't we call your other uncles and see if they want to come over and take you to the zoo," I said, holding out a hand and pulling her onto my lap as I grabbed my phone and called Gene. 

Eric was still talking with Bruce by the time the doorbell rang again. Tiara jumped to her feet, running into the hall and throwing open the door.

"Unca Gene!" she squealed.

"Hi Tiara! There's my favorite niece!" Gene said, scooping her up and tossing her in the air. "Happy birthday!" 

Giggling, Tiara wrapped her arms around Gene's neck.

"Hi Unca Gene!" she said. "Did you bring me a present?"

"Tiara!" I chided, but Gene only chuckled.

"Well now why wouldn't I bring a birthday gift to the birthday girl, hm? Your uncle Paul's grabbing our gifts for you from the car right now I'm sure. Why don't you run go see?" he said, setting her down.

Still giggling, Tiara ran outside to see Paul while Gene turned to me, raising an eyebrow. 

"That Bruce's car out front?" he asked, and I nodded.

"Mhm. Him and Eric have been talking for the past half hour or so in the kitchen. He really hasn't--"

"Spoken to him in five years. Yeah. Damn, hopefully they're able to smooth things out. Do you know if--"

"They don't intend to get back together. Not while Tiara's still a child, maybe when she's grown and out of college," I said, and Gene nodded.

"That's good. Anyway, I'm gonna go see what Paul and Tiara are up to," he said, heading back outside. 

I walked into the kitchen, putting a hand on Eric's shoulder.

"Babe," I said.

He jumped, turning away from his conversation with Bruce, giving me a smile.

"What's up?" 

"Don't forget, it's Tiara's special day today," I murmured, kissing him on the forehead. 

"I know," he said, kissing me on the lips and rising to his feet. 

There was a pause before he wrapped me in a hug. 

"Love you," he whispered in my ear, kissing me again and going into the hall to see his daughter. 

Bruce rose to his feet, giving me a smile.

"Well, thanks for letting me talk to him. I better get going, I don't want to intrude," he said. 

"Oh no you don't have to go! Please, you're welcome to stay and celebrate Tiara's birthday with us," I said. 

He gave me an almost startled look.

"Oh, are you certain? I know I'm not...as close with her as Gene and Paul are, although that's my own fault."

"I know, but this is a good opportunity for you to start getting closer to her. I know Eric would love to have you be a part of her life, and I would like that too. You're a wonderful person," I said. 

His face grew pink and he gave me a small smile.

"Thank you. I appreciate it. And I do promise you, Y/N, we won't do anything. For the next few decades, Eric is a friend and nothing more."

I put a hand on his cheek, giving him a smile. 

"I know. Don't worry, I trust you." 

After taking Tiara to the zoo the six of us returned home, with Tiara eager for her birthday cake. Gene tossed her up in the air, catching her and setting her on his shoulders. 

"The birthday girl wants some birthday cake, hm?" he teased, and Tiara smiled, kicking her feet against his chest in her excitement. 

"Yeah! Momma can we have cake please?" she begged. 

Eric pulled her off of Gene's shoulders, giving her a kiss.

"Cake? What for, is it your birthday or something?" he teased.

She gave him a pout. 

"Daddy! You know it's my birthday!" she whined. 

Paul chuckled, ruffling her hair. 

"Don't you worry, princess. We're gonna celebrate your special day," he said, and Tiara hugged his legs tightly.

"Thanks Unca Paul!" she said, sticking her tongue out at Eric, who just laughed, getting the ice cream cake out of the freezer.

He put five candles in it, setting it in front of Tiara.

"Alright birthday girl! Let's sing then you can make a wish and blow out your candles!" he said, kissing her on the forehead. 

I stood behind her chair as Eric moved over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his chin on my shoulder as we all sang happy birthday to Tiara.

She blew out the candles after making a wish and Eric gave me a kiss on the cheek as Gene began to cut the cake. 

"Thank you. For the wonderful family you've given me," he murmured. "I love you." 

I kissed him back. "I love you too," I said softly.

UH! All Night: A Y/N x Eric Carr StoryWhere stories live. Discover now