Presure getting to me

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K= you look like hell
MC= so do you
K= yeah well things are pretty screwed up right now
MC= what happened
K= I'm keeping a distance so that everyone at the CFD knows that any Lieutenant spot Stella gets she did it on her own but if I tell her why that the white shirts are talking smack it'll make her question herself and I'm not gonna do that
MC= so you guys aren't talking at all
K= I'm thinking once she takes the test we'll patch it up
MC= that's a high risk gamble
K= I don't have much of a choice what about you what's going on
MC= honestly it's been rough trying to get past what happened with Sylvie and it turns outs being with anyone else just makes it worse
K= well that's not good
MC= is that supposed to be helpful
K= you think you helped me
MC= why's this stuff so hard
K= no idea

It's funny that both me and Matt are going through some relationship problems that seem similar but somehow different. Hopefully we both can figure this out soon,  I also hope Stella get where I come from when she finally learns why I have be distant. We both get dress and head into work. A couple hours into shift I am checking the oil on the squad truck when I hear someone come up beside me

KY= you have a sec Lieutenant
K= yeah what's up
KY= I could use some advice about Stella
K= yeah uh I'll give it a shot
KY= the other day I could tell she was upset but she didn't wanna talk which I totally understand
K= okay
KY= she is done so much for me and I wanna help but I don't know the next way maybe could I offer to take over some girls on fire duties I just hate that she's going to skip on the Lieutenant's test I know how much it meant to her
K= wait what when did she say she was skipping it
KY= oh maybe I misunderstood
K= Kylie when did she say that
KY= two days ago to the chief I'm really sorry I figured you guys had talked about it
K= no you don't need to apologize we should've ( walks over to Capp and tony) did Casey say how long truck's gonna be out on drills
HC= no to us

Once Kylie said that Stella might skip the test because of how I been with her, I realize I have messed up a huge time now. Of course before truck 81 could come back to the firehouse squad got called to a scene. Throughout the rest of the shift it was supper busy where at least one of the trucks were always getting called away. At the end of shift I try to catch Stella before she left but I wasn't lucky .  So I go home to see if she comes home at all. After a few house when she didn't show up so right before Matt leaves I ask him for Brett's address. Once I had the address I head to Brett's house and knocks Stella lets me In

K= you have to take the Lieutenant test
S= you have no say in this you have been MIA
K= I've been MIA because I thought that was best for you chief Conway told me the white shirt say the only reason you're moving up the ladder is because you're with me I didn't tell you because I figured it would mess with your head you deserve better
S= you thought I couldn't handle that
K= what I though is your earned every part of this yourself everyone should know that
S= it sounds like maybe you care what they're saying because I sure as hell don't Kelly I didn't become a firefighter as a white guy with my father at the top of the chain I come up alone fighting every step of the way with people looking down on me and doing whatever they could to shake my confidence I have a built in armor that you will never understand and no one like Conway is gonna knock me down
K= but then why aren't you taking the test.., you don't need my help you have to know that
S= of course I know  I don't need your help with some test I needed you to what you do best to tell me " you got this Stella Kidd " and to pick me up when I'm feeling low and instead you shut down on me, shut down on me like the bad old days
K= this Attitude of yours.... is exactly why I know you got this Stella Kidd and it's why I know how badly I screwed up and it's why I'm never gonna let you go ( moves closer to Stella) away from me again
S= you are not the decider and pretty soon we're gonna be in the same tank so listen up I am the one who's never gonna let you get away again
( they kiss and them hug)

I am so glad I finally decide to tell Stella why I have been distant and she understood but was pissed I didn't tell her because she isn't bother what people say about her, that's why I love her so much because she is a strong independent woman who doesn't care what people think of her and she don't let anyone break her confidence ever. After we hug we sit down and talk about things we need to talk about for a couple weeks now. Then we head home to get back to our life together.

Stella's POV: I think I decide to Stella take the test In a few months with every thing going on, Kelly finally told me why he has been distant from me and I get it but I don't care if people think I am only moving up the ladder because I am dating Kelly, I earned the spot I am in because I have work my ass off my whole career. Once we talked a little more we head home and he promised to be more open to me because he doesn't want to lose me

Authors note: sorry it took a while to post this chapter but its well worth it. Kelly sevride  thank you for  finally telling Stella what's going on. Big credit to Kylie for telling Kelly that Stella might skip Lieutenant exam because of your dumb ass. I love that Stella through the " you got this Stella Kidd back in his face. Also there was only a short  stellaride scene in 9x07 so I will add it to episode 9x08 one shot when it comes back in March. Also happy that cruz and Chloe are  having a boy I bet that baby will be named after Otis .

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