Chapter 5

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Ash's POV

Suddenly, the conversation at our table came to an abrupt end and all the heads turned towards me. I instantly started panicking because I had kind of zoned out and I had not been listening. It took me more than a few seconds to realize that they were all looking behind me. I also reluctantly turned my head around, only to see the guy who had bumped into me in the bathroom pinning another guy to the wall.

The guy from the bathroom had his back to me, but I could see the other guy's face-it was full of regret and fear. I silently wondered what he had done to piss him (I still did not catch his name yet) off so badly. I heard his girlfriend say something to him but he snapped at her and started yelling.


All of a sudden, his intimidating glare softened, realizing what he had done. But it lasted only for a second, long enough for me to notice it. His expression hardened again, he scoffed and let the other guy fall to the ground. He roughly kicked the other guy's face before turning around, smirking to himself devilishly.

It took me so long to process what happened. I was probably staring at him, because his eyes caught mine and my heartbeat increased by a hundredfold.

What if he was going to pin me to the wall for bumping into him? No, Aiden was right next to me, he wouldn't let that happen. But it was not even my fault! Okay, maybe a little my fault but mostly his fault. I even tried to apologize, but he shoved me to the ground and left.

He broke our eye contact and frowned before leaving the cafeteria. Am I overthinking this? It was just an accident after all. I don't think I even share any classes with him, we may never have to come face to face again.

That thought seemed to comfort my racing heart. Yet, some part of me wanted to know him. He has this mysterious aura around him. Always so confident with the I-own-this-world smirk. But it seemed it was just a show. I had seen his expression change from 'I don't care' to confused......two times in one day! Once in the bathroom and then now, after yelling at his girlfriend.

Gods, can someone tell me his name? Ughhh, I would have asked the Nelson twins if I was not at the risk of getting a heart attack from shyness.

I internally sighed, trying to clear all thoughts about him. Ok, maybe I sighed externally because everyone at our table looked at me, this time actually at me. Ughhhhh, why me? I could feel my cheeks burn.

"Are you okay, li'l guy?" one of my brother's friend asked. I just nodded my head in response.

"What's up with Xander anyway? He again missed all classes today! Why does he even come to college?" one of the others said.

Xander. His name was Xander.

"He was okay itself in freshmen year. God knows why he became such an obnoxious douchebag afterwards." Aiden said while taking a bite into his food. His other friend nodded in agreement. My curiosity spiked, before I could stop myself, I asked my brother: "Are you friends with him?"
He looked at me with raised eyebrows.

"Friends?!" he scoffed before continuing, "Ha, no way! He hates me. Well, for being better than in him in almost everything. The feeling is mutual though."

"Oh" was all I could manage.

Lunch break was over and I headed towards my locker to take my books for the next period. The twins said goodbye, saying they would go save a seat for me next to them in class.

After four attempts I got the correct combination to my locker and just when I was about to open it someone from behind me slammed it shut. The noise echoed throughout the empty locker room.

I slowly turned around. There were three guys, all tall and well-built. The guy who shut my locker door definitely seemed like the leader. The two others stood behind on either side of him, smirking.

"oh, the new boy!" he said with mock curiosity. I instantly dropped my gaze, trying to steady my breathing. He was standing just an arm distance in front of me. There was enough space for me to run away. But being the athlete I am, I would trip before reaching the door.

"What's your name shorty?" he continued in the same tone. I tried speaking- he was just asking my name after all. But my throat was dry and all I could do was gulp. He banged his fist to the locker on my right, making me flinch.

"I asked you something shorty. Learn some courtesy, kid!" he literally barked, he had lost his patience playing the concerned senior. "You know what, I don't care about your name. Just do what I say. Ok?" he continued in the same harsh tone.

Since I was looking everywhere but the bully's face, I noticed someone casually leaning on the lockers of the opposite wall. No, not someone, it was Xander. He had an expressionless expression fixated on his face. But his eyes were focused on me. I sent him a pleading glance, my lips quivering. He just turned his head the other side, making it clear that he didn't want to help me.

"Are you mute?" the bully asked.
This time I looked up at him and shook my head.

"Okay cool. Why don't you write all my records?" he asked. Well, it was a demand. I shook my head again, not looking up this time. I instantly regretted it. From the million books I have read, I knew what was coming next. I could also feel him raise his right arm

I pressed myself further against the lockers, eyes shut, braising for the impact. But it never came. I slowly opened my eyes. What I saw surprised me. Xander stood in front of me, tall and strong. He had the bully's fist in his own, blocking him from punching me.

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