Chapter 1

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Ash's Pov

I was nervous to say at the least. It was my first day at Michigan University and what made me feel even worse was that I was joining in the middle of the first term.

I took a deep breath and let out a sigh. Why was I joining late you may ask?

Well, I had a really bad asthma attack at my graduation and my parents were deathly worried about me. They decided it was best to stay home for a bit.

Although it probably would have been better if I joined when everyone else did. Now everyone had their own little groups and it would be really hard for me to make new friends.

I let out a loud sigh rubbing my temples anxiously. Making friends had always been really difficult for me and this made it ten times worse.

I was lost in thought when I felt someone put their arm around my shoulders making me flinch and let out a little scream.

I turned and looked at my brother's face, who was laughing his head off at my reaction. I hit him gently pouting a little.

"Sorry little bro-" He managed to say between his laughter. I scrunched my face and looked away.

"What do you want..?" I mumbled a little embarrassed.

Although we were brothers, no one would be able to tell. We were polar opposites. He was tall, well built, popular, sporty and really loud and a little narcissistic too, while I on the other hand was tiny... Well, not tiny... I was 5'4 but he looked like a giant next to me. I wasn't exactly outgoing... Or popular or sporty. I barely had any friends and people rarely noticed me.

"Right !" He made me turn around and pointed at my bed.

On the bed, there was a red champion shirt and black jeans along with two chains and a necklace with a cross and a Gucci belt.

I grimaced a bit and looked at him, that really wasn't my style. He looked at me with a wide smile.

"Wear this! There's no doubt you'll have girls flocking all around you in this! Trust me I know" He said with a slight smirk on his face.

I sighed and shook my head giving him a disapproving look.

"Come on! Just wear it this onceee !" He said holding my hand with both his hands practically begging me to wear it.

I sighed a little. "Alright alright.. I'll wear it- Let me change into it..- Go get the car ready, I don't want to be late on my first day..." I mumbled a little annoyed.

"Pfft- You're still such a prude lmaoo" He said laughing and hitting my back making me wince a little.

"But since it's your first day~ Alright" He said with a chuckle and ruffled my hair before leaving.

I looked at the outfit and hesitantly put it on and looked at my reflection in the mirror... And he wasn't wrong I thought I looked pretty good in it.

I ran my fingers through my hair and smiled a small smile at my reflection. I did feel a little better.

Okay... I should seriously listen to him more often... At least when it comes to his clothing choices-

I laughed a little at my own thoughts. After admiring myself for a bit, I put my watch on, took my bag and my phone and ran downstairs, a little more excited now.

I grabbed two granola bars and went to the car and sat in the passenger seat and smiled a little, handing him a granola bar.

"See~ You like the outfit don't you??" He asked wiggling his eyebrows at me. I scoffed and rolled my eyes laughing a little.

"Shut up and eat quickly-" I said to which he nodded and started eating the granola bar.

After he finished the granola bar, he started the car and drove us to school.

We... Well,  he had a black Porsche, and it certainly got us a lot of glances in the parking lot.

I looked around the parking lot and the only other expensive car there was a red Ferrari.

The driver of the Ferrari got out and ran his fingers through his hair. He was a tall, well built handsome guy. Everyone was staring at him and whispering.

Just looking at him made my face heat up. I bit my bottom lip without realising and as I was about to ask Aiden who he was, Aiden got out of the car and everyone shifted their focus on him.

Everyone's stares made me anxious and nervous. I felt my heart racing a little so I shut my eyes and managed to calm myself down.

When I opened my eyes, the beautiful man was gone. I looked around for him a bit but couldn't find him. I let out a sigh.

I took a deep breath and stepped out standing close to Aiden who laughed at me and ruffled my hair.

"Don't be nervous Ash~ Everything's gonna be alright~ Trust me okay? Just chill with me and you'll be fine" He said with a grin.

His words comforted me and I nodded smiling a little.

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