Chapter 2

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Xander's POV

I parked my Ferrari and headed towards the entrance. People stopped whatever they were doing to take a glance at me. I got flirty looks from the girls and glares from the guys. I smirked to myself- the perks of being a bad boy never comes to an end.

I pushed a freshman out of my way and the others started moving towards the corners of the corridor. I shouldered my backpack and walked in the middle of the corridor, towards my locker. Just then, someone placed their hands around my eyes. "Guess who?"

I was immediately annoyed. I had a sleepless night and my head was aching badly. The last thing on my list was to put up with Ivy's nonsense. "Ivy, I'm really not in the mo-........." she did not even let me finish.

"Awwww Xander you know me so well~" she said, taking her hands off my face and wrapped them around my waist. She was still behind me so she definitely did not see me rolling my eyes in irritation. Ivy was NOT my girlfriend, as it may seem to some. We were just close friends. We had know each other since we were kids and... She was just really clingy sometimes.

She twirled around to face me and brushed the stray strands of blond hair that was falling on her face.

She started saying something when the bell rang. "I really got to go, I have class now, talk to you later" I said, happy I had an excuse to leave. She was really sweet but sometimes...she'd be a little too much to handle. Don't get the wrong idea, it's not like I attend classes anyway, I just needed my personal space and had to finish my daily quota of 10 hours sleep. So, I naturally made my way towards the football field and dozed off at my usual spot on the bench under the tree.

You might be wondering how I woke up exactly during lunchtime. Simple. People just have to be so obnoxiously loud and excited during the break. Before going to the cafeteria, I went to the men's room to freshen up my sleepy face. At the door, some random idiot bumped into me. Perfect. God doesn't like giving me one moment of uninterrupted calm and peace.

The guy who bumped into me was about to fall back because of the impact, but I held his arm and pulled him back up. He ended up falling forward onto my chest, my hands wrapped around him slightly hugging him.

He was so tiny. His head reached only till my chest and his eyes were tightly shut. My gaze shifted to his plump lips, continuously murmuring barely audible "sorry"s.

He slowly lifted his head and opened his eyes and our eyes met.

His beautiful chocolate brown eyes..~

"I'm so terribly sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry" he said in a low nervous voice. I realized I was staring at him. The odd familiarity of his eyes made me snap out of my daze.

No. No. No. What am I doing?! Why am I staring at him? Ughhhhh. But his eyes... Why do they look so familiar... Wait no. Wtf is wrong with me ?!

I shoved him away from me and without waiting for a reply or giving one and walked past him without looking back, although I'm pretty sure he fell down...

Whatever. That's none of my concern.

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