" 2 Beer is fine." I said to waiter and he left.

For sometime she looked at beach. She didn't speak anything for sometime. Few minutes later even food arrived.

We had food silently. She even drank 3 glass of beer. When She asked waiter to get her the 4th one. She called the waiter.

"Please repeat the order." She said pointing at beer.

"No she won't have beer anymore kindly get a glass of water for her." I said.

"But I want to drink beer."

"Than you would be the only one suffering with hangover."

"Sometimes you don't drink to get high sometimes you also drink to be courageous."

"You don't need to drink to get courage." I said. I have no idea what she wants to talk about.

"I have been working with your father from past few years. I don't even know when I and Tanya became best friends. One day at office party I got a dare from girls to propose someone from party hall. I randomly went and proposed Karan. I had no idea who he was nor his name. He didn't say anything in front of people as he used to work there. Few days later I felt guilty about it so I went and asked him for coffee. That's how we started to know each other. He is amazing person but somewhere I felt that spark in our relationship was missing. When I had gone for training I had decided to do breakup with him."

I was looking at her. She was speaking for the first time to me willingly. So I didn't feel like disturbing her.

"At Tanya's party I saw you. I don't know why I felt attracted towards you which was wrong as I was dating him that's the reason I had called him near the cabin in half drunk state. I thought if we would have some intimacy than probably I would feel that missing spark. You ended up being there. We spoke for sometime without you even mentioning I wished that it was you when I left the cabin. After that incident continuing that relationship didn't made sense to me."

"After breakup I met you for couple of times but chemistry didn't fade. I started running away from you till dad one day came and asked if I would like to marry you. I liked you and I knew your family so I said yes." She looked at me.

"Karan was invited at wedding. He had some emergency at work so he had came to my room to wish me. Just to tease me he said come run away with me. I laughed at his statement. He hugged and wished me for our future and left. You saw and reacted to that situation. You went to that extent and made me sign prenuptial agreement."

"Your behavior towards me gave doubts to our family that something is wrong between us. Everyone in the family gave indirect tips to impress your husband have dinner together, make food for him, go out with him and what not. I started to avoid conversation with my mother because even if I lied she knew I was lying to her. Things started to get difficult between us. All of a sudden you came to me and said I love you but how can I forget everything and forgive you. When you never trusted me. If some situation like this happens again than your first instinct would be to blame me."

"That's not the case."

"If that's not the case you would have never asked me about pregnancy."

"I asked your answers were not sure. All you wanted was to buy some time rather than saying it directly to me." I said.

"I was not sure what to do."

"Yes so you blamed me for misbehaving with you and than you ran away and stayed at hotel in middle of the night."

"I had no idea what you would do so I got scared. I went to hotel. When you found me there I was very angry with you but than to I allowed you to stay there. For anything to work you require mutual understanding and trust and we both know that you can't trust me. I think we should go to separate paths."

"Kiara I am sorry for what all things I have done in past. I cannot change any of it. Situation and circumstances has bought us here today. I can promise you one thing you would never be in this situation here again. For once I want you to take that risk of trusting me. Life of us together would be wonderful."

"I need time to think. I am confused." She said.

"What bought you here today in spite of me being angry on you regarding the pregnancy matter?"

"You were ready to accept someone's child and when Lucky ran behind me and I was going to fall. You caught me and asked me If I was fine and asked about the baby. You surprised me."

"I don't want my life without you in it. I am ready to accept you with any baggage you have from your past."

"I have trusted you once and see where are we standing now." She said.

"Only problem in our relationship was miscommunication. We need to start talking to each other everything would be fine." She was thinking something for sometime.

"Do you want some dessert or something?" I asked to change her mood.

"Let's go home." She said.

We went to my place silently. We went to our bedroom and slept at our respective places.

 We went to our bedroom and slept at our respective places

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Yes! That's what she said.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora