Chapter 14

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Elena, Nora and Eve arrived at the house. The guys were already there unpacking the boxes. Henrick looked over to them."She's inside with the adoption lady."

"Thanks. Did she tell you where her room was." Nora wanted to make sure they could just walk in while they talked.

"Yes she told us where to put everything."

"Thanks. Will be out soon. Come on little cousin you have to meet her."

"Fine Lets go." Elena adjusted Evie on her waist and her and Nora walked inside.  She was scared that she was going to ruin there chances of getting there baby. They followed the sound of voices into the living room. Elena loved the house already it was a lot like the Mikaelson Mansion. Lots of space lots of rooms. Huge ball room.

Nora sat next to Mary-Lousie and Elena sat next to her. She sat Evie on her lap.

"Hi you must be Nora i'm Shannon and this is London." Shannon motioned to the baby besides her."Who is this."

Nora smiled."This is my cousin Elena she'll be living here with her and this is her daughter Evie she's 1."

"Elena how old are you." That made Elena a little uneasy it wasn't easy talking about it."Sorry its a mandatory question no need to be afraid."

"17 pregnant and gave birth to her at 15."

"Who watches your daughter during the day?"

"Her aunt, Freya Mikaelson she's 28 and refuses to let me take her to a daycare. She wants her to be raised with her family they don't want to miss anything."

"Ok this is my last question for you how are your grades."

"I got a B- or above in all my classes. I have a twin sister and a cousin in the same grade as me. My best friends Evie's godmother and godfather are in the same grade. And her father if i don't come my sister usually gives me her notes or my uncle who works there can send them to me and let them know why i couldn't come. I talk to my teachers if i need extended deadlines but she's not bad and she's has a lot of family that would love to babynap her for a few hours." She went overboard with her answer she was to scared that they wouldn't get to get London.

"I'm not judging you my oldest niece was born when her mother was 15. And she's in college for law i actually joined CPS and am a representive for adoption agency's because CPS took my niece just because she was from a Teen Pregnancy. And they almost adopted her out to a horrible family. Mary-Louise told me that you were adopted and from a teen pregnancy."

Elena wiped the tearss that were begining to form,"I've had CPS called on me because of her. I take good care of her. I was just nursing a fever cause she got sick and I was scared something was going to happen to her."

"Can I see how the two interact."

Elena lifted Evie up off her lap standing her on the floor as Shannoon did the same with London."Evie can you say hi for me."

Evie smiled and Waved to London."Hi."

London smiled and waved back.

"There going to get along just fine."

Elena smiled. She was happy that she hadn't affected her cousins getting a baby.

"It looks like i'll be leaving."

Elena was in Evie's room unpacking and organizing all her stuff Nora and Mary-Louise were playing with London and Evie. She didn't know what she was going to do she was angry with her sister she was pissed at everything that was going on. She was trying to now co-parents her daughter with Kol. It was just a lot to take in. And she didn't know how she was going to do it.
Freya was sitting with Rebekah they were irritated there brother hated them."Is he ever going to forgive us."

"I already have."

They turned and seen him at the door."Why?"

"Because despite the fact that neither one of you told me that you knew that Evie was mine and just didn't tell me."

"I feel like your still mad."

"I am but your my twin and as much as i want to ring your neck i can't." He was happy they were at least there when he didn't know.


"Don't worry about it." Kol walkd upstairs leaving the two alone.

"She talked to him she had to." Rebekah turned to Freya.

Freya nodded."She defiently did he's been ignoring us all weekend now all of a sudden he's forgiving us she talked to him."

It was the middle of the night Elena woke up to her phone ringing she picked it up and put it to her ear."What?" She did not like being woken up from her sleep. And it was already hard for her to go to sleep being in a new place.

"Who is watching your cousin's kid?"

"Daycare i think." She yawned she didn't get why Freya was calling her so late. Especially about London.

"No bring her when you bring Evie."


"Elena bring her here."

"Whatever can i go back to sleep"

"Bring her tomorrow if you don't you can't come in the house." Freya knew just how to get Elena to do it. And knew that it would work.

"Whatever i don't care i'll bring her just let me go back to sleep." Elena hung up and put her ringer on silent not wanting to get back up.

My Bestfriend Brother- Kolena (Book one)Where stories live. Discover now