chapter 10

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Davina was sitting at the bar when Kol walked in. He went over and sat next to her."So,"

Davina looked at him."What do you remember from that time you came here." She knew that he didn't remember but she couldn't just up and show him the picture this has to go right."Think you came here we started drinking. What happened. Did any of your brothers come did you drink with someone else. What happened when Elena came in. Who took you home that night. What happened."

"I don't know."

"Fine think of it this way. Why does your family act different anything they do. Why do they act different around you and your brothers."

"I don't remember Davina."

"Or do you not want to remember cause you don't want to know what everyone is gonna say to you. You don't want everyone to look at you like your this teen playboy again think what happened."

"I was drunk all i rememember was drinking with someone. And it going further thats it."

"Follow me." Davina walked out and he got up and followed her she went to the hotel. And walked in."Do you remember this place."


"Are you trying not to remember."

"Don't you think i want to remember obviously something happened that people aren't telling me."

"Ok come on."

They walked back into the bar Elena was talking with Liv."Well i'm going to take my sister and leave." Liv walked over to Davina."Lets go."

"Whatever.. See y'all monday." Davina and Liv walked out.

"I need you to stay quiet while i talk. And even though i know for a fact its gonna piss you off but i need you to wait until i am done."


"I am also going to say this quick in this order did people find out. Caroline, your mother Freya Henrick. Rebekah. Damon Stefan Sarah. Your father Hope Layla. Davina Liv and Kai apparently found out sometime in between Hayley, Jenny Katherine Bonnie and Rachel. I know you know that she's a Mikaelson and you probably think that one of your brothers came here. I slept with you when we were at this party i wanted to tell you but i freaked. Evie's your daughter i just didn't know how to tell you. When i came to right after i found out I ran into your mother Freya and Henrick. They said it was my choice whether or not i tell you. I was too scared you didn't remember anything i'm sorry I have to go." Elena ran out she couldn't stay she didn't want to hear his reaction and this seemed to be the best idea

Freya was pacing as Finn, Elijah and Klaus were watching."It'll be fine." Rachel was sitting on the floor doing her homework she wanted to see it happen. She had a feeling that she wasnt going to be able to though

"Shouldn't he be back by now. I ready to be yelled at." Freya knew that he was going to be pissed and Rebekah and Henrick left her to deal with it alone.

"Why?" Finn asked.

"Because he's going to yell at me so i would rather be yelled at right now. Rebekah and Henrick ditched me so i'm going to get twice."

Elijah shook his head."That is not true Kol will not yell at her."

They heard a door close. Freya stoped and turned towards the door. As Kol walked in obviously pissed."Freya. Where are Rebekah and Henrick?"

Freya turned to Rachel."Upstairs homework you better not listen."

"Fine." Rachel got up and ran upstairs to her room with her homework.

Freya turned back towards her brother."What did she tell you?"

"You knew and you didn't tell me you told her not to tell me,"

"You didn't see her when she found out about Evie she was terriffied she was 15 when i got pregnant and had Rachel i was terrified i knew what she was going through except her father didn't care about her. She was scared that you would hate her i don't blame her, she did everything in her power to make sure even if you didn't know she was your daughter that you didn't miss anything. John Gilbert tried to make her get an abortion. She gave birth to Evie, you got to hold your daughter when she was born you were here at her first steps at her first party. Only her mom and Caroline found out before everyone else the gender thats why mom always let her over here because she knew that Evie was her granddaughter your ex-girlfriend is the reason your daughter almost died and came early. I got her a car and anything that she or her family couldn't get for Evie because i knew that she was my niece i watched her while she was at school when she had finals how she let Henrick or Bex watch her or how she was so open to Layla and Hope why Dad gave her and Evie a trust because mom told him  i know what we did was shitty but she was scared and at least she didn't wait until Evie was 13 i still haven't told Rachel i'm her mother."

"Yeah you didn't want to know Freya. Do you really think that low of me. For the 28 year old that is scared to tell her daughter that she is her mother that is sad."
-- Next day

Elena was hiding in her room with Evie. Her door was barricaded so no one could get in. She didn't want to talk to anyone she just wanted to stay hidden in her room for the rest of her life."Ellie open the door. Its just me and Damon I already talked Rebekah you need to open the door babe." Caroline begged.

"NO HE HATES ME." She didn't want to leave she wanted to be in her room forever.

"Please Lena open the door let us in were your best friends."

Elena got up and pushed the dressed from her door. She opened the door letting the two walk in before closing it. And pushing the dresser back in front of it. She went and sat on her bed next to her daughter."What do you two want?" She hugged her knees putting her head in her arms. She didn't want to leave her house ever again "Why are y'all here?"

"To make sure that all was well." Caroline sat at the edge of  the bed."Are you ok? Your mom called said you wouldn't leave your room."

"He's tried to call me 7 times i ignored them all."

"Bekah's with Layla Hope and Henrick they are going to meet the others at the grill. You should let him take her for awhile. I know you hate it but holding her captive in here with you is doing nothing good."

"Why should I? Can you?"

"No Ellie." Damon shook his head and sat next to Caroline."She's right you have to do it."

"But i don't want to."

"I'm going to play pool with Stefan i will be there. You have to do it."


Damon unbarricated the door as Caroline grabbed her best friends hand making them both stand up before grabbing her goddaughter."Come on i'll walk you in if you can't do it just give her to Bekah."


They went downstairs and her mother looked over at her."Elena can you grab our order from the grill your cousins are coming today."

Elena Caroline and Damon walked into the grill she seen Stefan at the pool table and the Mikaelson in a booth."Go play pool with your brother."

"You'll be fine." He went over to where Stefan was.

"I have to go I have to go meet my mother everything will be fine"

"Go I want this order so i can leave. I'll give her to Rebekah."

"Fine." Caroline turned and walked out Elena went to the bar to pick up her order.

Rebekah seen her and ran over to her."I thought you were locked in your room."

"I thought you were hiding from your brother."

"I was he can't yell at me in public so free space."

"Here." Elena handed her Evie."He can have her i don't think she wants to be locked in my room. I'm grabbing food and i am out."


My Bestfriend Brother- Kolena (Book one)Where stories live. Discover now