Chapter 33

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A year later

It was their graduation they had finished their Senior year. Elena was getting ready she was at Caroline's along with Rebekah and Katherine. They were so excited that they were finally about to graduate. "I can't believe were graduating.."

"It's about time i am tired of high school." That was one thing they could always agree on they were tired of high school.

"Were just leaving school and going into more school." They didn’t like high school and they weren’t sure how they were going to feel about school when college started,

Katherine had to agree with that she was happy to be finally done with school. Happy that they were moving on. "It doesn't matter we are leaving high schol after everything that we have been through there i am so happy to be done with it."

"Yeah it's an amazing time for anyone."

"Yes it is and i am going to look amazing while doing it.” Caroline was happy that it was time for them to graduate. “I love having my prepregnancy body back."

"Of course that would be your favorite part." Rebekah chuckled lightly she found it funny that Caroline was happy the most about looking the part.

Elena looked towards Caroline crossing her arms over her chest glaring at Caroline slightly. "You didn't have a pregnacy body remember that was me."

"You did bounce back fast." Caroline could agree with that. She had gotten her prepregnancy body back fast.

Yeah she cared about how she looked and took the time to get herself together. "That's because i work out i used to run every morning and i still try to do it sometimes you know when i am not busy being a mother to a three year old.” She loved her daughter but she was starting to act more and more like a Mikaelson which each coming month. “A bad three year old."

Caroline scoffed she knew that Evie wasn’t the easiest but she was not bad. "My god daughter is not bad."

"My niece is not bad." Katherine and Rebekah added. No matter how she may act she was not a bad kid.

"Yes she is." Elena looked towards Katherine and Rebekah.She didn’t care what anyone said she knew her daughter and she was certainly a bad toddler. No matter how much she loved her. And she knew the two needed to stop teaching her stuff that added to the things that she did. "And you two are the blame i can't leave her with you without her coming back and doing something she know she is not supposed to."

Katheirne turned towards Rebekah she was supposed to be the bad aunt. "I don't know if you miseed the mem i'm the only bad influence in my neices life." She was the only one allowed to teach Evie to be bad and the only one she didn’t need two bad influences in her life. "You're supposed to be the fun Aunt the nice one. The one that spoils her and gives her things that her parents don’t allow her to get."

"How about neither of you teach my daughter bad things?" She didn’t need her daughter doing those things when they eventually went to school. She was trying to teach her daughter to be good and grow up right now thinking she can act like her aunts.

"That's always an option too." Katherine knew that it was true they could try teaching her good things and not bad things.

"It better be cause i have enough going on without worrying about the things that Evie is learning from her aunts.” She didn’t need them teaching her things that no kid should know. “And if it is something that she actually needs to know. "

Rebekah gasped she was not teaching her niece things that she didn’t need to know. She was the perfect aunt. "What do you take us for?"

Elena cleared her throat looking between the two she didn’t have time for either of them right now. "Teenagers who beg to watch their niece and i am begining to question it and if it is the right thing to do."

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