Chapter 21

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Elena dropped her phone, she fell to the floor with tears falling down her face. Katherine and Rebekah reached her first. "Elena what just happened everything was going fine." Jenny had never seen her sister so scared and sad before she had no clue what was going on and she really wanted to help.

Elena got up and ran upstairs she didn't care about anyone else right now her daughter and her best friend were her only worry. She needed to be there.

Jenny walked over and grabbed her phone and put it to her ear."Who is this? " She wanted to know what could make her sister act like that.

"Deputy to sheriff Forbes her daughter was involved in a accident today-"

The phone dropped from her hand as Elena ran down the stairs she ran towads the door getting in front of it to stop her before she left."No you are not driving." There was no way in living hell she was letting her sister drive right now. She was not in the right headspace to control a vehicle.

"Get out of my way" Elena didn't have time for this she didn't want to deal with Jenny right now she just wanted to get to the hospital so she could be there for them she couldn't lose her daughter.

"NO."Grayson's emergency beeper for work started going off."Dad can drive you but you are not driving Elena what did they say." They couldn't tell there condition to everyone but if they had called Elena they must have told her how they were doing.

Elena knew her best friend well and she knew that Caroline would never risk anything pregnant or with kids in the car."Caroline is a good driver even better when ever Evie is with her she was crossing a green light and some car came out of nowhere and hit them the drivers side where Evie and Caroline are. Rachel London and Layla are find Evie has Eternal bleeding and Caroline is in a Coma. They could die Evie would require a blood transfer and she has a rare type of blood. I have to go."

"Freya Kol go with Grayson and Elena will be there shortly Mary-Lou and Nora take Rebekah and Katherine"

Elena Kol and Freya ran into the hospital room Meredith was talking to someone at the desk giving orders. They ran over to her."What happened?'

"Layla is in recovery just needs a few stitches. Evie is bleeding internally but she has a rare type really rare Elena. London got banged up a little and needs stitches and Rachel has broken ankle. Caroline is bleeding and in a Coma were trying to stop the bleeding ."

"Who hit them." Elena wanted to know who would do that to a bunch of kids she would sue them for hitting that car.

"Someone women by the name of Isobel it's all i can tell you right now." Meredith knew that this was a lot for her but she needed her to calm down so that everything went right."I need you and Kol to get your blood tested."

Elena hated that her and her daughters blood were so different she would give it up in a heartbeat if she could but she knew that was not an option at the moment."I don't have her blood type i'm B+ I can't donate to her."

"Kol i need you to get tested and if your not a match then maybe one of your siblings are." She hoped that one of them matched to Evie she knew that Elena wouldn't be able to take it if something happened to her daughter.

"Ok how do i get tested." Kol would do anything to make sure that his daughter was alright. He hadn't even known she was his for 6 months there was no way that he was losing her.

"Elena you know the hospital show him where one of the rooms are i have to get back to Caroline and check on Evie." Meredith had to get back to making sure that the girls would survive or that at least she put all she could into making sure they did.

My Bestfriend Brother- Kolena (Book one)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora