Chapter 5

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Elena woke up and got Evie ready to go. When she arrived she seen Layla and Rebekah talking on the porch. She was happy to see that Rebekah was slowly letting Layla in. She walked closer to them."Hey. You two good."

Rebekah nodded."I don't hate her were sisters i hate the fact that my father didn't tell me about her." She meant what she said she was angry that her father hadn't told her that she had 2 more sisters.

"i'm just going to go inside with her. You two look lke there's a lot to say," Elena walked into the house leaving the two sisters to talk.

"Rebekah he didn't tell me either." Layla knew that this was hard for Rebekah she knew it was going to be even harder later but she had to do this for the sake of her family.

"What?" Rebekah asked.

"He told us when he handed me the letters. We knew he had a wife but we never knew he had a family. We thought he didn't have any kids then he's handing me 12 letters saying 1 for your mom one for your sister one for you. One for each of my 2 grandaughters. One for each of my other 2 daughters one for each of your 5 brothers. One of which had a daughter and this is for the mother of that daughter. He didn't tell us until he died. Its Septmber in January my mother learned that she had Cancer and a few months later in April she passed." Rachel was heading to go out the door when she heard the two girls talking.  She stopped to listen."Davina contacted us and said i need your help" Of course Layla already knew that someone was going to be eavesdropping on the conversation.

"Help with what?" Rebekah didn't understand what she meant. She looked up at Layla and could see the conflicting emotions.

"I need a favor. This bitch just ruined my plan." Layla sighed."If you want to know i'll tell you."

Rebekah did want to know what Davina had did? She knew Davina and that she had a manipulative streak"What plan?"

"Hi I'm Davina Claire your older brothers ex-girlfriend i did something and someone just messed it up and now i need your help. Everyone has a highschool sweat heart he was not already supposed to have two. The plan went south. I didn't think she would get pregnant. But i found out maybe it can still work. But then her bitch of a best friend came and took him knowing damn well that he didn't love no one more than  the girl that already carried his child." Layla was trying to keep her voice steady she didn't want to do this but she knew that the longer Elena waited to tell him the worse it would be for Evie.

Rebekah was shocked."Wait Davina was setting them up?" She never knew that Davina was the reason that either of them had went to the party. Or the reason that the two hooked up that night.

"Yeah she was. She knew that Elena was love with him since 8th grade. She knew that he'd never look at anyone the way he did her she said that they always argued and fought. It wasn't meant to be for them and she was ok with that but she wanted him to be happy. He had a stressed life our father died he was the blacksheep everyone expected him and Klaus to always be in trouble started drinking at a young age. She had already gotten him tipsy enough to be honest with her she got him to admit he felt alone. He never went for Elena cause he didn't think she'd say yes. But then Elena got pregnant and she never told him. Then Bonnie knowing damn well that her best friend loved him went after him anyways. She was coming to fix what got messed up. She would fix it but she couldn't do it alone. Davina may be a fucking bitch but she wanted him to be happy. Davina never left town. She was getting homeschooled." Layla was happy that she was finally able to get it off her chest though. It was making her feel a lot better.

"I've been trying to set them up for years it never worked," Rebkeah wasn't the best friend that got mad at her friends for liking her brothers she just wanted them happy. She knew that Kol had been hurt when he found out that Elena was pregnant. She would have been mad to but she had found out before the whole world.

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