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Katherine and Hayley walked into her parents house Miranda and Grayson were sitting on the couch. Both girls stopped in there tracks. Miranda looked up at them and asked."What are you two
doing home so early?" She knew that they were still supposed to be at school.

Katherine thought that her parents were still at work."What are y'all doing home?"

"Katerina what are you doing home?"


Elena ran down the stairs and stopped when she seen her parents sister and cousin. She had been coming downstairs to fill up Evie's bottle so that she could feed her she did not intend to find her parents sister and cousin. She knew that she was in trouble,"When did y'all get here?"

Grayson stood up and looked at Elena. He was wondering why she was home he knew that she wanted to save her days off of school for when she needed to be home with Evie."You've been here the whole time?"

"Umm i came down to make Evie a bottle." Elena sighed. She didn't want to deal with this right now.

Miranda turned towards her daughter. "I thought that Evie was with Freya."

"Umm. I picked her up." Elena took a breath."I came home early."

"Elena can you bring me a water." Caroline shouted.

"Caroline is here." Miranda asked. Elena nodded."Caroline come down here please."

Caroline walked down with Evie."Hi." She hadn't wanted to leave the baby upstairs but she knew she had no choice but to come down.

"Why are none of y'all at school." Grayson asked.

"Well if i would have stayed i would have gotten into a fight with Rebekah." Katherine said.

"Excuse me." Elena and Caroline asked. They didn't get why Katherine would pick a fight with Rebekah of all people.

"Well at least i didn't shout and run out the class Caroline." Katherine glared. She didn't get why they were judging her.

"What did Rebekah do to you." Elena asked.

"Besides Everything. Your my twin sister but you don't even act like it. You act like she's your sister. Twins tell eachother everything but you don't tell me anything. You tell her everything And you can't ever give me the time of day. So yes i cussed her out in the middle of homeroom and after you ran after Caroline. Rebekah and me are not friends thats you two question did you fall in love with her brother before or after you two became the best of friends."

"Excuse me." Elena asked.

"I'm serious. Shame you ruined a good thing because you got cold feet. Your a great mother but I think Mr. Tanner was right you shut yourself out you want recognition prove everyone else wrong. Or there not gonna look at you as nothing more but a little slut.

"Katherine enough-" Miranda shouted.

That hit her where it hurt she couldn't believe that her own sister would say that to her."What ever Katherine. I'm gonna go finish packing our stuff so i can hurry and go stay with Nora. You don't know what its like cause you weren't there you decided to go on the family trip." Elena took Evie and ran upstairs.

Caroline looked at Katherine and shook her head. She knew that what Katherine had just said had hurt Elena especially after everything that Rebekah did for her."Rebekah was terriffied when she had to call 9-1-1 cause your sister was laying on the ground bleeding out. At 8 months pregnant we sat in that waiting room balling our eyes out hoping that she was ok. Y'all were out of town the whole Mikaelson was sitting there and half of them didn't know. I gave the order for her C-section 30% chance Rebekah said don't do it she didn't want to risk your sister. Rebekah came out there with me when Bonnie arrived and made her leave. When you weren't there Rebekah was she was always there. If i wasn't there Rebekah was. She couldn't tell you who Evie's father was Rebekah was there when she needed to cry if she needed anything." She turned around and ran up the stairs.

My Bestfriend Brother- Kolena (Book one)Where stories live. Discover now