Chapter 24 - The Room and The Hotel Key

Start from the beginning


            I finally got up and threw open the door.

            “Don’t you have your own key?” I asked angrily.

            Louis shifted uncomfortably and looked to his feet, “I lost it this morning.”

            “We looked for it, but we couldn’t find it anywhere,” Harry explained, “Maybe someone else took it, or, picked it up,”

Liam’s P.O.V.

            I assumed it was at least midnight, but I couldn’t sleep. I just stared out the one window, into the vast open sky. My hands grappled at the pillows. I felt like I needed something to hold on to. Preferably, Niall. But since that was impossible, the pillows would have to work for now.

            Suddenly, I heard the door opened to the room.

            My heart started pounding.

            “Silly boy,”

            It was him. I refused to turn and look at him. I closed my eyes as tight as I could and tried to focus on the beating of my heart that came in quick, loud thuds.

            “I told you I was going to kill you,” His voice made me want to throw up. I didn’t say anything back. I couldn’t. “But first,” I felt him sit on the other side of the bed, “Maybe we’ll see if you can last here longer than Niall did. Maybe you’ll escape too, or maybe you’ll be here for more than two months. Maybe you’ll be here for a few years,”

            I wanted to cry. I clenched my eyes shut even tighter and bit my quivering bottom lip. I felt his hand grab my shoulder tightly, and I wanted to throw him off, to fight him off. But he was strong. Ever since he knocked the wind out of me in the alleyway, I knew I had no chance of fighting him. The only chance I had was to get lucky like Niall, and time a punch to the head perfectly. Maybe then I could get away.

            “You aren’t as innocent as Niall, I can tell,” He mused, “But you are still pretty perfect. How about I ruin some of your perfection? How about I give you what you want?”

            Shudders ran through me. Please, no. I didn’t want this. I didn’t. I started shaking my head vigorously.

            His hands were at the collar of my shirt, and he started unbuttoning it. I curled into a tighter ball, making it difficult for him to do anything.

            “C’mon, Liam,” He chided, “You know you want this,”

            I tensed my muscles even more. The man continued to try and unbutton my shirt, but the way I was lying made it impossible. He groaned and tried to pull my arms away from my body, but I resisted with all the strength I had.

            “Fine!” The man yelled, “We’ll save that for later,”

            Then I heard to opening of a switchblade. My whole body was trembling now, and I couldn’t fight the whimpered and cries that escaped my chapped lips any longer.

            The one thought that ran through my mind as my body was overwhelmed with pain was this: Niall had gone through this too.


I hope you guys are enjoying this. The reads on this story are incredible. It has even surpassed the reads on my first story. If you guys wanna read my other story, it's called, 'Trying To Hold On'. It's a Larry AU fic, with some Ziam on the side. Woot! Woot! Anyway, please tell me what you think.




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