Twenty Three.

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Y/n POV.

Story is ending everyone!

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"Psst," A murmur roused me from my slumber.

I rubbed my eyes and yawned before taking in my surroundings. Tzuyu was next to me sleeping peacefully, we were on my bed.

I frowned and looked around to see what made the noise. I jumped in fright as I saw someone leaning against my closed bedroom door, watching the two of us.

Tzuyu felt me stiffen and immediately woke up, "What happened? Are you okay?"

She followed my gaze and let out a gasp of surprise as she too, saw someone.

"Jihyo?!" She muttered under her breath as I just stared in astonishment.

Jihyo chuckled and causally walked closer to the bed, almost like we didn't see her die in front of us like three months ago.

"Hello!" She happily greeted us.

"We must be dreaming," I muttered to Tzuyu, who nodded her head in agreement.

Jihyo laughed, "Trust me, I am very much real."

"But we saw you shoot a bullet through your head! We saw you get lowered into a grave!" Tzuyu spewed out.

Jihyo sat down on the bed and glanced at the two of us, "Technically, I am already dead but alive in spirit. I am Tzuyu's guardian angel."

Tzuyu and I shared a look of disbelief.

"What does that even mean?" Tzuyu questioned.

"It means that I protect you from certain things," Jihyo answered vaguely.

Tzuyu's eyes widened, "Wait a minute, when I was fourteen and was told to kill you..."

"You did kill me in a way. I have to admit, I actually didn't know you had to kill me at the time and I had gotten upset but let you win in the fight we had." Jihyo sighed.

"So you really did die?" Tzuyu asked.

Jihyo nodded her head, "Well yeah, but I'm a spirit. I come and go as I please whenever it suits me. Although, I wasn't lying when I said that you two were the only friends I had."

"If you're Tzuyu's guardian angel then why did you try to come between us multiple times?" I crossed my arms and frowned.

"Simple," She replied, "To get you two closer together. The things you work hard to achieve will often stay in your life forever. Both of you were my friends and I already knew you were soulmates, I did my best to throw obstacles your way so both of you can overcome them together."

"You traumatized both us so we could get closer?" Tzuyu narrowed her eyes at Jihyo, "What kind of logic is that?"

"You can get mad all you want but it worked. Your lives have gotten significantly better," Jihyo smiled.

I nodded my head, "It is true. You and Sana no longer argue as much, you and Nayeon are better friends, your own group has gotten together again."

Tzuyu's eyes widened in surprise, "That's true."

"Of course it is," Jihyo scoffed offendedly, "I am a master of my work."

"If you're Tzuyu's guardian angel then who is mine?" I eagerly questioned.

Jihyo chuckled and patted my head, "Sorry, I am not allowed to give out that sort of information but you should know that she is an amazing woman."

Philophobia [Tzuyu x Female Reader] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now