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T-Tryin to let you know~

                                        • • •

I sighed in boredom as I waited for the professor to arrive to class.

Many students were talking amongst themselves and were making quite a ruckus. I looked to my left to see Tzuyu sleeping peacefully.

Memories of the first day we met (one week ago) flashed into my mind. She actually led me to a takeout place and the food was delicious. She even paid for the bill despite the fact that I told her we could split it.

I honestly don't understand how bipolar she can be. One minute, she pays for my meal. The next minute, she ignores me and totally pretends like I don't exist. Then there's the time where she acknowledges that I'm there with her but she would stare emotionlessly at me.

Even though, she's told me to leave her alone on multiple occasions, she always somehow ends up beside me.

Like our seating arrangements for this class. I was minding my own business and sat down in the very chair I'm sitting at currently. Then, a familiar face claimed the chair beside me.


Tzuyu, who was sitting down on the other side of the room, immediately noticed who my partner was and abruptly stood up from her seat and made her way over to us.

She approached Sana and glared at her, "Move. That's my chair."

"Nowhere does it say that it's your chair," Sana rebuttaled in a bored tone.

Tzuyu slammed her fist on the desk that was in front of Sana, "I said move."

Sana shook her head in defiance, "No."

At this point, practically everybody was watching the whole dramatic scene. I seriously hated to be the center of attention and leaned into Sana's ear to whisper.

"Can you please move? I promise to hang out with you later if you do."

Almost immediately, Sana grinned triumphantly and nodded her head at me, "Anything for you. I won't forget about your promise."

She left the seat and smirked smugly at Tzuyu before finding another seat down the row.

Tzuyu sat down and narrowed her eyes at me, "What did you just agree to?"

"Don't worry about it," I muttered.

Tzuyu scoffed and didn't say another word to me. It's been one week and she still hasn't said a word to me.

I watched her a bit as she slept and wondered if she ever sleeps in the dorm. She always seems to stay up to study a lot.

I turned my focus to the front of the class when the professor came in and jumped into our lesson for the day.

. . .

Tzuyu and I have practically all of our classes together. I honestly don't mind because she's the only one who I'm more comfortable with considering she's my roommate. Despite the fact that she doesn't talk to me.

I was sitting down in our kitchen doing some of my class work when a knock on the door drew my attention. I was about to get up and answer it when Tzuyu came strolling out of her room and beat me to it.

Continuing my work, I kept a close ear on what Tzuyu was saying to whoever knocked on our door.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Y/n said we can hangout last week," I heard Sana's voice and froze, suddenly remembering the promise I made to her a week ago.

Tzuyu simply scoffed and went back to her room, "Whatever."

She threw me an uneasy glance which caught me off guard.

Why does she look so worried about me?

Before I was certain if she was uneasy about me going, she disappeared into her room.

"Wait. Am I allowed to come in?" Sana's voice rang into my dorm.

I lightly chuckled and replied, "Just give me a second. I'll be right out."

It was obvious that Tzuyu was uncomfortable with Sana and if I brought her into our dorm, Tzuyu might get angry at me. I quickly put on some shoes and grabbed my phone before walking out to see Sana.

I closed the door behind me and grinned at her, "Hello!"

"Hey!" She smiled and gestured to the exit of the school, "Shall we?"

"Of course," I replied easily and started walking towards the gates, "So what are we doing?"

"Just going to a cafe and hanging out," She answered and walked beside me.

. . .

I lightly giggled as Sana told me more about the time she managed to get a bunch of free kimbap by saying it in a cute way.

"I have to say, your giggle and accent is very cute," Sana laid her chin on her hands and looked at me through big brown eyes.

I scratched my back nervously, "you think?"

"Yes," She smiled, "Where are you from?"

"Busan," I muttered.

"Oooo," She cocked her eyebrow, "Why'd you choose to come to this academy?"

"Oh! Because-" I was about to explain everything when my phone rang. I looked at the caller.


"Excuse me, I have to take this," I offered Sana a tight smile and quickly answered the phone, "Hello?"

"Hey sweetie," Her voice sounded raspy, like she had just finished crying, "Just calling to see how you're doing."

"I'm doing good. How are you doing?" I replied in concern.

"I'm good too," she sniffled. A sudden thud from the background on her side sounded.

I heard my dad's voice in the background, "Is that Y/n? Give me the damn phone."

"I'll speak with you later. Bye," My mom immediately hung up before I could get another word in.

I frowned and looked at my phone in despair. Why can't she just leave him?

"Is something wrong?" Sana piped up, causing me to jolt back to reality.

My frown deepened, "Yes but don't worry about it."

"Hmm," Sana hummed thoughtfully and stood up, "I want to take you somewhere. It's where I go to relax and calm myself down. Come on."

She held my hand and went to the register to pay for our meal, even though I tried to pay for it. We left the cafe and started walking in a direction away from the academy.

The sun was almost down.

We joked and laughed as Sana led me to who knows where. When I heard the loud music and a line of people, I realized exactly where she was taking me.

"The club?" I questioned in astonishment. I don't even drink.

She grinned and nodded her head, "Yeah! Come on, it'll be fun!"

She skipped the whole line of people and the bouncer immediately let us in.

"You seem to be famous," I commented as we got into the club with no problems.

She chuckled and shook her head, "You have no idea."


Philophobia [Tzuyu x Female Reader] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now