Twenty Two.

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Still Y/n's POV.

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"Y/n!" I looked over my shoulder to see Lia and her soulmate, Yeji, holding hands.

I stopped walking and waited for the two to catch up, "Well if it isn't the cutest couple on campus."

They both blushed and rolled their eyes as I teased them.

"Oh please, we all know that you and Tzuyu are the cutest couple here," Yeji snarked back, Lia nodding her head in agreement.

I laughed, "Can't say you're wrong about that."

Lia nudged me because of my bluntness. The three of us shared a laugh.

"Where is Tzuyu?" Lia questioned, "I haven't seen her in awhile."

"She and Sana are at their job," I casually replied.

"They seem to be working all the time," Yeji acknowledged, "What do they do?"

I paused and thought of an answer. Tzuyu said that she, Sana, Dahyun, Nayeon, Momo, and Jeongyeon were going to capture some enemy rivals.

Yeji and Lia looked at me in confusion.

"Y/n? Yeji asked you a question," Lia cocked her eyebrow at me.

"No, I heard her," I chuckled, "I'm sorry I was just thinking about something. Tzuyu never outrightly told me what her job was."

Which is technically true.

"You're not the least bit curious?" Yeji muttered.

I laughed, "She'll tell me when she wants to. Oh! I meant to ask you guys if you've seen Chaeyoung or Mina anywhere."

Lia hummed thoughtfully, "I'm pretty sure Mina is in the dance studio. You'll probably find Chae in the library."

"Alright. I will see you both later," I waved them goodbye as they went to join their personal group of friends. Which consisted of Ryujin, Yuna, and Chaeryeong.

I made my way to the library to see Chaeyoung sitting outside. I smiled and approached her, "Chae!"

She was busy sketching something but stopped and grinned up at me, "Heyy!"

"What are you drawing?" I sat down beside her and tried to look at the sketch but she immediately covered it with her hands.

"It's not done yet," She gave me a panicked look.

I cocked my eyebrow at her, "You're never this shy when showing me your art. What'd you draw?"

Chae bit her lip and whispered, "I drew Mina."

I sent her a teasing smile, "Oooo."

She playfully shoved me, "Stooopp."

"I wanna see," I pleaded.

She sighed and slowly removed her hands off her sketch. I let out a gasp as I saw it. It was beautiful and so realistic!

"Woah! I knew you could draw but this is magnificent!" I told her earnestly and studied the details.

Chae blushed and shrugged, "I usually draw animated figures but I guess I was inspired."

I smirked, "Inspired, huh? You're acting so shy when it comes to Mina despite the fact that she's your soulmate."

Philophobia [Tzuyu x Female Reader] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now