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Still Y/n's POV.

Five more days until Tzuyu's deadline. Y'all better be ready. Some fucked up shit is going to go down.

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"You fucking bitch!" I cowered behind the entry to Tzuyu and I's dorm.

My father was on the other side, pounding on the door and continuously cussing me out. I have no idea where Tzuyu was at.

"OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!" Powerful thuds against the door was incredibly loud, I'm surprised that no one bothered calling campus security. Not even myself.

Yesterday, after waking up, Tzuyu told me that the nurse was able to get my parents to leave with the help of security. The nurse said that my dad was so angry and threatened to go to my dorm and drag me back to the place I'm supposed to call home.

I immediately confirmed about the restraining order against my father. The nurse told me that I'd have to go through the whole court system but she'll put in a good word for me.

The whole thing will probably take a month or so until it's completed so there's not much I can do at the moment.

"Y/n L/n! If you don't open this door this instant, I'm going to kill you!"

I left the entrance to the dorm after boarding it up with a couple of chairs and the terrible couch. I ran into my room, jumping into my bed. Tears slipped down my face as I hid under the covers, quivering slightly.

Tzuyu, where are you?

I usually don't have a problem telling people off but this is my father. The one who has abused me mentally and physically for so long.

"Y/N!!!" I could still hear his screams even though I'm locked inside my room.

I started hyperventilating as I was brought back to his torturous beatings. The welts on my back and stomach a horrible reminder of what my father did to me.

Not to forget the one thing that I wanted to delete so much from my memory.


I was maybe eight years old.

My father was actually a decent person. He never hit me, he never laid a single finger on me.

But something happened one night and he was never the same again. He started drinking and lashing out uncontrollably.

I remember it so clearly.

"Y/n," He called out my name, his words slurring.

Trembling lightly, I left my room and went into the living room where he was sitting down on the couch. My mom was out at the store, buying some much needed groceries.

"Yes?" I questioned, my voice quivering.

"Come over here," He demanded and scratched his cheek.

I hesitated slightly before listening to him, standing directly in front of him this time.

"Do you think I'm a loser?" He asked me seriously, eyes cold.

I shook my head furiously, "No!"

"Oh really?" He leaned down, I could smell the alcohol in his breath. Our faces were inches apart.

"N-No!" I stuttered out in fear.

He grabbed hold of my shirt, easily lifting me up so we were eye to eye, "You fucking liar! You think I'm a loser!"

Philophobia [Tzuyu x Female Reader] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now