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It's Tzuyu's POV nowww!

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I sighed impatiently and paced around my room.

It was 10pm and Y/n still hasn't come back after hanging out with Sana. Where the hell is she?

I swear if Sana does anything bad to Y/n, I will beat the shit out of her.

My pacing got faster as I thought of all the bad things that possibly happened to Y/n. I bit my lip before taking a couple of deep breaths.

A sudden ding from my phone caught my attention. I fished my phone out of my back pocket and looked at the text message.

It was a photo.

My grip on the phone tightened as I saw what the picture held. It was Sana back hugging Y/n and kissing her cheek. Y/n looked really shy, if not uncomfortable.

I threw my phone on the floor and growled lowly. That bitch thinks she can just come over here and basically steal what's mine?

Wait until they come back here.

It was about three hours later when I heard the entrance to our dorm open. I was immediately at the door and got ready to unleash hell on Sana when I realized that it was only Y/n.

She looked bewildered to see me, "Why are you still up?"

"Where's Sana?" I ignored her question.

"At her dorm. She wanted to walk me here but I told her that I'd be fine to walk alone," She yawned and rubbed her eyes.

My cold demeanor softened when I noticed how tired she was, "Where'd you two go?"

"Some club," Y/n replied and stretched, "We practically danced the night away."

I clenched my fist as I pictured the two of them dancing together. My annoyance was making itself known. I rolled my eyes and scoffed, "Kay."

I was beginning to walk away when Y/n suddenly held my hand. I froze at the skin to skin contact. Turning around, I saw Y/n looking up at me with my phone in her other hand.

"I think you dropped this," She offered me the phone and let go of my other hand.

She lazily walked over to the kitchen table and uncharacteristically plopped onto it.

"We have a couch, you know. And your room is literally over there." I couldn't help but point out the obvious.

"I hate couches," she mumbled, "Room is too far, I'll just sleep here."


I rolled my eyes and once again started walking to my room to leave her to sleep.

"Oh and Tzuyu?" She softly called out.

I stopped walking to show her I was listening.

"Thank you."

I turned around to face her, "For what?"

"I know you stayed up for me," She murmured and closed her eyes, "Thanks."

It hasn't been a minute and she was fast asleep. I didn't even get to reply to her. I lowered my cold stare and tilted my head at her. She was lightly shivering.

I went back into my room and grabbed my blanket, returning back to the kitchen table and placing it over her.

"Goodnight," I muttered softly before going back into my room to sleep.

Philophobia [Tzuyu x Female Reader] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now