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It is Y/n's POV

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"Y/n, I.... I'm a part of one of the biggest mafias in the country."

"...No," I shook my head in denial.

Tzuyu looked at me in bewilderment, "But I am."

"No," I simply stated, "You're not. You're just messing with me."

Tzuyu frowned and looked down at her feet in sadness, "You don't know how much I wish that was true. I was practically forced into joining the mafia."

I know that she was probably telling me the truth. I know that Tzuyu sometimes leaves in the middle of the night. But I don't want to believe it was for a reason as bad as this.

"Just answer me this one question," I took a deep breath as she looked at me intensely, "Did you ever kill someone?"

Tzuyu stumbled backwards as if my words were a slap to her face, "I... I..."

I shook my head in disappointment and disgust, "Please leave me alone, Tzuyu. I don't think I can ever look at you the same again after knowing you killed someone on purpose."

"I didn't have a choice!" She cried out, dropping to her knees, "I was assigned to kill one person and one person only. I thought I did kill her but she didn't die!"

"What do you mean you didn't have a choice?" I cocked my eyebrow at her, "You always have a choice."

I felt a little bit better knowing she didn't kill anyone but she still tried to kill someone nonetheless.

"It's the mafia, Y/n. I basically had no choice on whatever order I received. It was kill or be killed. I got close to my assignment before I did anything severe. But when I got to know her, I became a good friend of hers. I didn't want to kill her," Tzuyu bitterly stated, "I planned on just completely blowing off the assassination. But then Jihyo found out about everything. I tried to tell her that I didn't want to do it but then... she tried to kill me instead. So, out of self defense... I did something that would haunt me forever."


That's why Tzuyu froze outside of the ice cream parlor! Why did Jihyo act like she didn't know who Tzuyu was?

This whole thing was too much for me to handle.

"Tzuyu, just leave. I can't... I can't handle this. Please go," I watched as Tzuyu locked eyes with me.

Her eyes held such pain and sadness. Tears were streaming down her face. She stood up and nodded her head, "If you really want me to then I'll go."

I didn't though.

I want her to be by my side. I've never felt safer than whenever she's around me. But knowing her background, I can't help but think of all the terrible things she's done.

"Is this all you wanted to tell me?" I closed my eyes, trying to take all the information she gave me.

"...Yes," She muttered and rubbed her red eyes.

If this was fantasy, I wouldn't even care if she was part of the mafia. Hell, we would probably be the next Bonnie and Clyde.

But it's not fantasy, it's real life. (👀)

Do I want to get involved with someone in the mafia?

...Do I love her that much?

We've only known each other for about two months. Is it crazy that I actually can see myself dating her? Despite the fact that the thought terrifies me to the core.

"Do you still want me to leave?" She interrupted my thoughts, "Because if you're scared of me now because of my background, then I'll leave right now. I don't want you to be scared."

Fuck! I don't know what to do!

I still haven't told her that I love her but I literally can't bring myself to. The concept of love still scares me but I don't want her to think that I hate her.

"I'm going to be honest," I finally spoke my mind, "I'm not scared of you. I don't even hate you. But I just... what do you want me to say? I don't know..."

She looked at me hopefully, "You don't hate me?"

"I don't think I could even if I tried," I whispered.

She sniffled, her eyes held a spark of hope, "So, are we okay? You won't call the cops on me, right?"

Despite it being a serious question, I couldn't help but laugh, "No, I won't."

She smiled softly at my laugh, "What do we do now?"

Now that is a good question.

Where do we go from here?

"Not sure," I shrugged.

"You wouldn't have given me a chance if I killed someone, correct?" She questioned after a few seconds of silence.

I narrowed my eyes at her suspiciously, "If it was out of self defense then it wouldn't matter to me but if you did kill someone because you were ordered to... Then you wouldn't have stood a chance."

She slowly nodded her head, "Okay."

"Why do you ask?" I crossed my arms.

She chuckled and looked away, "Ah. No reason. I'll make a promise to you right now that I will never try to kill another person again. Unless it is out of self defense, of course."

"Good," I smiled at her, "Now come join me."

She looked taken aback at my request, "Huh?"

I moved over on the bed and patted the empty spot beside me, "Come."

She smiled brightly and quickly hopped on the bed. I grinned and lightly rested my head on her shoulder.

"Is it too soon to ask about your feelings for me?" Tzuyu whispered into my ear.

A blush covered my face at her question, "Please give me some time."

"I would like if you would give me an answer within six days," She kissed my temple gently.

"Why six days? Are you going somewhere after?" I questioned curiously, a frown on my face.

She grinned warmly at me, "Yeah I need to go see my sister and talk to her about some things."

"How long will you be gone?" I yawned, about to fall asleep.

"You seem very tired. You can sleep, I'll be here when you wake up. I promise," Tzuyu muttered gently.

Comforted by her words, I closed my eyes.


Philophobia [Tzuyu x Female Reader] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now