Twenty One.

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Y/n POV.

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A gentle wind blew against me, my hair blowing behind me. I took a deep breath in and let out a long sigh. A bird flew by me, singing a melodic tune.

I followed the pond, looking at the ducks sitting on the water. This wasn't where I was supposed to be though. I was meant to be elsewhere.

My phone rang but I ignored it. I didn't want to be bothered by anything.

I turned my phone off so no one would able to reach me. I went to sit down on the bench surrounding the pond.

It was a bit chilly today.

"You look like you could use some company," I looked up to see Lia.

I gave her a small smile, "I wouldn't be opposed to it."

She sat down beside me and hummed gently, "It sure is pretty here."

"Yeah," I softly agreed and eyed the sparkling pond.

"It's the little things in life," Lia gave me her famous eye smile, "Have to learn to appreciate it."

"Yeah," I let out a little chuckle and looked at my feet.

Lia moved closer to me and held my hand, "You don't need to act tough in front of me, Y/n."

I bit my lip and couldn't meet her gaze. I can already feel the wall that I built crumble into tiny little pieces.

"Let it all out," She lightly demanded and pulled me into a tight side hug.

That was all I needed.

Tears ran freely down my face as I sobbed into her shoulder. My heartbroken cries were silent as I buried my face into her neck. She lightly patted my back and hummed a melody into my ears.

We stayed in this position until I felt like I couldn't cry anymore. I sniffled and pulled away from her. My red eyes met her bright ones. She gave me a warm smile and whispered, "I know it doesn't feel like it but it will get better soon."

"Why does it hurt so much?" I asked in a sad tone.

Her smile faltered and she gently wiped away some new tears that were steaming down my face, "Well, that's the tragedy of life. It has to come to an end eventually."

I frowned but nodded my head. I understand that but why is life so unfair?

"It's better to have loved and lost than to never love at all," She whispered and moved some stray hairs out of my face.

"I really don't think I can go to the funeral," I muttered quietly.

"No one can force you to go but a funeral is a chance for a final goodbye," Lia replied softly.

I suppose she's right.

"My makeup is completely ruined," I chuckled and tried to fix it.

She smiled, "I'll help."

. . .

I took a deep breath as I sneaked my way into the graveyard. I was one of the last people to show up. I saw many familiar faces and avoided them.

I didn't want to speak with anyone else yet.

I saw Jihyo laying in the casket, she looked so beautiful. You couldn't even tell that there once was a large bullet on the side of her head. I shook my head as I remembered how damaged she was.

Philophobia [Tzuyu x Female Reader] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now