Chapter 68 - Emine Diana Iplikci

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- Don't leave me, - Defne asked and laughed with a quiet, happy laugh.

Fifteen minutes later, the nurse brought Emine. The baby was wearing a pink cotton suit. She squinted her black eyes and curled her lower lip in resentment.

"They woke her up, and the little princess didn't like it," the nurse explained with a smile and reported to her parents: "Weight is 3 kilograms 200 grams, height is 50 centimeters. The pediatrician confirmed our Apgar score. A healthy and beautiful girl.

Omer stretched out his hands and asked:

- Give her to me.

The nurse carefully put the baby on Daddy's bent elbow. Omer bent down and inhaled her scent. She smelled of happiness. The most beautiful, most delicate, and dear scent in the world. Tears welled up in his eyes. Omer swallowed them and in a hoarse voice asked the nurse:

- Please fulfill a request. In the lobby, our relatives await news. Tell them that Emine Diana Iplikci was born.

The nurse nodded in agreement and left the room. Omer pressed his cheek to the tiny head and closed his eyes. An incredible tenderness pressed in his chest. His eyes watered and his throat tightened. The baby in his hands evoked such strong feelings. Such love. Such tenderness. Such a need to protect his daughter and fill her every day with joy.

Emine liked it in her dad's arms. She stopped frowning and just blinked her eyes-olives, listening to something that only she could hear.

Defne looked at Omer's face and melted with happiness. His unconditional love for their daughter was her most priceless gift.

Omer opened his eyes and looked at his wife. His eyes gave her goosebumps.

"I love you," he said hoarsely. - And I love her. More than life!

"I know," she replied.

The nurse went out into the hall and all the Topal and Iplikci, headed by Koray Sargin, rushed to her.

- Well! - He stopped the woman. - Do not torment us!

She looked at him sternly. Koray released her and meekly took a step back.

"Madam," grandmother Turkan addressed her in a honeyed voice. - How is our Defne?

The nurse smiled and replied:

- Mr. Omer and Mrs. Defne asked me to convey that Emine Diana Iplikci was born.

For a minute, a ringing silence reigned in the hall, which the next moment exploded with shouts.

- She was born! – Happy grandmother Turkan threw herself on grandfather Iplikci's neck. - Mr. Hulusi, we have a great-granddaughter!

- Weight, what weight? Nihan demanded.

- And height? - Serdar echoed her. Iso woke up in his arms from screams and gawked surprised eyes at his parents.

- Is she beautiful? - And Esra cut in herself. - Who does she look like? On Defne or Omer?

- To Omer, right? Omer? - flashing her eyes, asked Neriman.

Koray stood and gasped for air. Accustomed to violent manifestations of feelings, the nurse answered all the questions with a calm smile:

- A beautiful, healthy girl. 3 kilograms 200 grams. 50 centimeters. Redhead. But who she looks like, decide for yourself. In five minutes I will take you to the window of the chamber, and you can see her.

And again, joyful screams echoed the hall of the maternity ward. Koray finally came out of his stupor and yelled at the entire hospital:

- Emine Diana! Allah! They heard me! They gave the girl a royal name! Ay, let me in! I want to see her!

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