❃ Chapter Thirty Six - Lucky

Depuis le début

I was mostly indifferent rather than distrustful to the stranger. He'd taken a seat on a rolling stool and smiled kindly. He did the routine check. Nose, ears, eyes, joints and all that.

There was nothing wrong with me, my mother just wanted to have me checked. But, oh… how wrong I could be!

The doctor had palpated for the vein, but when he didn't find it, he just said he'd find it with the needle. That dumb bastard stuck the needle into my bone! And I don't know about you, but there was one thing having a needle into your vein and a completely other thing having it into the bone. People could hear my screaming from the closed clinic room, because the next thing I knew, nurses had barged in.

The doctor had been startled by the door slamming open, so when he tried to pull out, he broke the needle. The thing had remained stuck halfway inside my arm, still in the bone.

He'd apologized instead of trying to pull the needle the fuck out. Thankfully, a nurse put on her man pants and did the deed.

Later that day, I heard mother and Dad arguing over what I'd failed to notice at the doctor. While that fucking prick was plugging the needle into my arm, mother was flirting with him, distracting him from doing his job properly. She wasn't even ashamed to admit it as she blamed Dad for having her take me.

That day I learned an important lesson. Whoever treated my family like shit, they treated me like shit. Even if she was apart of it... I'd never considered her more than Mom's cheap replacement.

What had really set off the pranking spree, was her hitting Piper. That doctor encounter only enlightened me and... gave birth to two phobias. Trypanophobia and Nosocomephobia.

Despite my fears, I still visited a clinic every two months to have myself checked for STDs. I could stay in a certain hospital area where I didn't have to witness medical procedures or see any of their equipment. I usually went to a private clinic where I explained my situation and they adapted according to how much I paid.

As about the blood samples? Well... in the beginning, I found it hard to stay still when a doctor plugged a needle into my vein. I shook so bad, I had to even ask the respective doctors to restrain me. Fortunately, with the time, I kinda got used to it. I lost the terrible shaking, but... not the twitchiness.

Every time I sat in that chair and waited for them to draw blood, I had to have something to focus on. Like the clock on the wall or the voices out in the hallway or the news on TV, anything that could distract me from paying attention to the needle in my arm.

My last check had been before I met Narah. I didn't have any intercourses with anyone else after it, so I knew I was healthy and would stay that way. Now it was about the pregnancies, but Narah was on contraceptives, so I didn't worry.

The only doctor I trusted was Damian, because... well, because he was my brother. I may haven't seen him doing his job other than draw several blood samples from me, but I knew very well he took his job more serious than his own social life. I would never say it to him, but he was right to be cocky.

I hated that he wasn't the one treating Narah now. I knew I wouldn't doubt him as much as I doubted every other doctor...

Rubbing my thighs more, I thought of my not telling Logan how I actually felt. Impotent. Terrified. Alone. God, as much as I hated talking about my feelings to my siblings, it would have been a great distraction.

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