Chapter 10: Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel!

Começar do início

'This is the life.' She thought with glee. What other life she could have had if she hadn't died? This was the best one she can possibly have, and she wouldn't trade it for anything else. 'Once Husk wins that fuck tone of jackpot, we will buy boozes and Devil Blast out of them!'

"Kid." Husk called her not taking his eyes off his cards for once as he raised a paw. "Come here." He moved his paw as a sign for her to come.

Roxy immediately put the money back in her pocket and used her cloud to move next to Husk. He pulled out 5$ and gave it to her. "Here, help yourself out a drink while i'm at my winning streak."

She took the 5$ and shruged. "Okay. Thanks." She gladly accepted it and went to buy a bottle can of 'Devil Blast' from a nearby All-Night Convenience store. Devil Blast is her most favourite drink in all of Hell. It's not alcohol, it is actually a tasty flavoured energy drink. It is very popular in Hell, came out in 1998, she remembered Husk was the one who bought one for her when it came out, she tried it and liked it. She would buy one every once in a while or whatever Husk was Gambling. Course 'Devil Blast' was the first thing she had in mind to get.

Once she was out she was holding the bottle can. Just as she was about to open it a Demon snatched it from her hand. "Hey!" She snapped in anger as she saw her stealer running away.

"Thanks bitch!" He cried back at her. In which Roxy had glare in return. Out of nowhere, a giant boulder landed, crushing the demon in the process.

Roxy remained perplexed for a moment before she gasped. "Oh fuck!"

As she got off her cloud she picked up the now empty bottle of 'Devil Blast'. "My 'Devil Blast'! Goddam it!" She angrily threw it on the ground as she pouted with her arms crossed. Then she got her answer on how her drink was ruined.

Up in the sky was flying machine, a war ship to be precise. Inside the ship was drove by a Snake-Demon. He has eyes that have red sclera with black, narrow pupils. His cobra hood is mostly yellow, with the tips being black. He has 4 pink eye patterns on his hood. He has a long neck. He also wears a black and yellow bow tie, a yellow shirt with a pink eye on it, and a coat which is grey with yellow vertical stripes. He has sharp, pink claws for fingers. His tail is black with thick, yellow stripes, and many pink eyes are present on his tail. He also wears a top hat which, just like him, has sharp, yellow teeth and a pink eye. The top hat seems to be alive, as it blinks and changes expressions in unison with him.

His name was Sir Pentious he wanted to rule Hell for quite sometime already. Probably he wanted power or something. He along with an army of Egg Bois he is gonna make sure to rule Hell and to make sure no one in Hell can stop him. Roxy already crossed him a few multiple times and boy she hated him as he hated her. That guy had been on her nerves since day 1. Which now they are enemies with each other at some point.

The Snake-Demon then started to laugh evily. "Those other cowardly ssssinners dare not hinder my territorial take-over! A wise decision! The power of my machines are unmatched!"  He then proceeds to push two levers as his hood flares open. "No other demon can compare to the likesss of I!"

Egg Boi #23 the said. "Gee! That was pretty swell, boss!"

Sir Pentious smiled proudly at that compliment.

Egg Boi #666 then added. "Yeah!"

Other Egg Boi then said. You really showed them what for! I liked when you-" With his hand mimics the action of a shooting ray gun. "-shot them with your ray gun!" He gets slapped away by Sir Pentious.

Egg Boi #23 then said. "I wish he'd shoot me with his ray gun..." The other Egg Boi pats him as confort.

Sir Pentious then hood the flares open. "At this rate, I will seize control of the entire west side of The Pentagram by day's end!" The Snake-Demon then pushes a few buttons. "And nothing, not a single beast in this inferno of suffering will be able to take back this empire from my constrictive grasp!"

Sharp Roses Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora