Chapter 4: Overlords

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In this Chapter Husk will tell Roxy about Overlords.

May, 1991

"Hey sis, you ok?" A male tone spoke up to a sad Rosalinda slouching as she was sitting on her bed. He has brown hair, beige skin and brown eyes. He appeared to be a young adult by his height.

Rosalinda just sighed. With saddness in her green eyes. "I don't know. I mean I do feel ok, but i'm not..? Can't tell anymore."

"Mind want to talk about it?" Her big Brother walked and sat next to her.

She doesn't know what to say actually, but she just had to tell at least to someone. "Well, do you ever get this feeling like when something is about to happend but can't seemed to brush it off your mind cause it keeps coming back?"

Her Brother thought for moment before saying. "I think I did, when we almost forgot that Sam was still at Uncle Matthew's that one time."

Rosalinda snickered at that memory. "That was almost 2 years ago. Mom's reaction was priceless when you mentioned her."

"Yeah, we had a wild speed drive back to get her." Both Brother and Sister laughed out at it.

Once her laugh died out, she added. "But still, this feeling has been on my mind for weeks, ever since finals started. No matter how hard i've tried to not think about it, it comes back."

Her Brother gave her a reasuring pat on the back. "Hey, don't worry. Must be stress, after all you did spend your time studying for finals lately."

Rosalinda has been studying and stressing out since they've announce finals exams to pass the fist semester in College. Cause she didn't wanna fail the year for nothing if she didn't do any studying. She worked her entire life for graduating School and get to College like any other people her age. She wanted to travel the world again and see everything like her Mom does with her and her sibs ever since the family grew. She turned to her Brother and said. "Maybe your right, it might be just some stress."

"See am I always right?" Her Brother stood with pride.

"Like, duh, not." Rosalinda added with sarcasim.

"Come on admit it." He said.

"Nah." She playfully shook her head.

"Come on sis." He added.

"Never!" She said laughing. Just then slowly everything around went bring and a loud ringing was heard.

Rosalinda gasped awake sweating, her forehead was droping cold. She just woke up from that dream, memory she would called it. Her big Brother, Phil, would always listen to her when she had something to talk when no one else would. But now, he's not here. The thought of never talking to him made her deeply missing him. He is her best friends, sidekick, her hero. What would she do without him around? With a deep sigh, she stood up put her clothes on and walked out the bedroom.

She could tell it was day since the stars are no longer in the red sky. But she does need to get used to this new environment. Yet, at least she has a roof over her head, better than be on the streets getting fucked up by other Demons right? Hell is like a hole other world for her, like, you woke up in a place that is not your home but in another unknown place. Just like how a person travels to another country and they sleep for the first time at that country and woke up remembering that they are not at home. Silly, right? That's what she's feeling just now. Once she made it downstairs, she saw that same grumpy face of Husk in the kitchen while sitting at the table. He was drinking on a bottle again.

'Doesn't he get tired of drinking all the time?' She glanced at him remembering yesterday's event.

Husk noticed her coming and sat down at the table, he slowly passed on a covered plate to her. "Eat..." He mumbled. Without even glancing at her.

Rosalinda uncovered the covered plate to discover a plate of 'Pancakes'. Like a hungry person she is just now, she took the fork and immediately dig in. The taste of the sweet 'Pancakes' filled in her mouth. It's like having to eat something all over again. In just minutes, the plate was empty. She leaned on the chair as she was full from eating 'Pancakes'. She glanced at Husk who was looking at pure nothingness or so. She didn't caught his name actually, tought she did heard Alastor saying his name was 'Husker'? Or is it his way of calling him that?

Husk noticed the girl starting at him which bothered him. "What the hell are you staring at?"

That kinda made her scofft. "Pff. Wow,  didn't know Al's kitty was such a Jackass." She added sarcasticly rolling her eyes.

"Don't ya dare callin' me that!" He pointer at her as he yelled.

"What? Kitty? Jackass? Old man?" Rosalinda teased him which she enjoyed seeing his face fuming with anger.

The Demon-Cat growled. "Look kid, your lucky that i've agreed to take you in instead of that Radiobitch! Cause other wise ya might would have become his dinner on the first day."

Rosalinda froze. "Wait? Dinner?!"

"Yeah, he's a psychopatic cannibal asshole, he can eat any Demon he would wanted to. As long as you don't piss him off out of Hell, you'll be dead meat fer sure." He then drank all of that bozze at once after saying that.

Rosalinda really was freaking out. Alastor eating other Demons?! No wonder others where scared at him during their walk yesterday. Now she's trust him less and less after that talk. Then she remember what Husk mentioned him being an 'overlord'. She decided to ask. "What's an, overlord?"

"Huh?" He said.

"I said, what's an overlord?" She asked once again.

"I see ya remembered what I said." Husk took another booze took off the cork with his claw and drank. "I suppose I can tell ya, but ya better be listenin', cause I won't be sayin' it again, ya got it?"

She nodded and was now all ears to hear.

"An 'Overlord' is a powerful demon in Hell. Al isn't the only one. There are many others here. When a soul dies they gain powers or abilities. Overlords, on the other hand, they are like the high class in Hell's hierarchy. They rule some parts of Hell. Not every 'Overlord' like each other, you rarely see more than one get along." Husk explained. "If an overlord ask you to be in their group. They would want to make you sign a contract, in which you have to follow their orders for all eternity, at least if they get tired of you and sign off the contract or you can sign a contract with another 'Overlord' the contract from your current 'Overlord' with be dismissed."

Rosalinda was both surprised and intressted about what he said about 'Overlords'. She wasn't expected for Alastor to be one, yet it was quite obvious by his creppy smile and expression.

"Oh, and one last thing." Husk then paused which got her attention. "Don't mess with an 'Overlord' cause ya gonna end up erased. Ya hear?"

Rosalinda nodded without a word as she got up, grabed the fork, plate and wash them. 'Mess up with an 'Overlord', like that's gonna happy to me.' But she will regret her thoughful words soon.

Sorry if it's short. Next Chapter will be long.

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