Chapter 9: Deal

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Husk layed on his bed still asleep. Roxy remained by his side since she brought him back home. She called Alastor and Niffty. She told the hole story about the events that occured earlier. Every single detail. From the other Demons' encounter to in which she brought Husk back to life. What surprised Alastor the most is that she brought a soul back to life, no one in the history of Hell, no even the power of Lucifer, has ever brought a soul back to life. It was just impossible. No demon has this kind of power here, how could it be? That a mortal soul was given such power suddenly, even the Radio Demon himself has never seen anything like it, in all of his years he'd spend in Hell, this was something no one has seen before. Was there something about her that he didn't know about? What mysteries this regular soul has inside of her?

Alastor thought of it as Niffty was next to Roxy, conforting her as they where next to a sleeping Husk. The Radio Demon had thought about what her powers could bring attention to other Demons who would have wanted it. She could be in danger. No one should know that she has that kind of magic to bring back a dead soul to life. It could be dangerous, cause anyone, and he means anyone would want it. He knew that he had no other choice on how to protect her.

"Miss Roxy, may I have a word with you..?" Alastor spoke.

Roxy nodded silently as she stood up and walked out of Husk's bedroom. Niffty stayed to keep an eye on him. The Demon-Fox didn't know what Al wants at this time. Maybe it was about her sudden powers? Does he know what it was? They both went downstairs and stood at each other face-to-face.

"You wanted to talk to me..?" Roxy stammered.

Despite having a smile on his face, in his eyes Alastor felt pity for what happend to his friends. "Roxy, what you just told me, was something no one has seen before..." He made his cane appeared. "This kind of power was something even in my many years in Hell that i've never seen before..." He placed an arm on her shoulder. He bend down meeting her eye level. "Anyone could have wanted that raw power from you..." He sighed. "Which is why, I have to make a deal with you..."

"What..?!" Roxy's quiet expression mixed into stunded and a bit shocking. She already knew about what Husk said about having a deal with an 'Overlord'. Both him and Niffty had made a deal with him when they first met him. Aside from Rosie, Alastor is the first 'Overlord' she'd met when she first came to Hell. Al is THE Radio Demon, everyone fears him. With him around her, one would even dare to come close to her.

"If we make a deal, that as long as it is sealed. No one would harm you." He turned around as he explained. "That is, if you agreed... or not..."

Roxy hung her head down. If she was under his protection, she won't have to fear anyone hurting her ever again. But, she thought of Husk's safety, seeing the image of his dead body flash across her eyes, was really traumatizing. She can't bare to see him dead ever again, she just can't after what just happend. Roxy stood straight up, as she made her final decision.

"Fine." She spoke up. Alastor turned around an slowly extend out his hand. The Demon-Fox stopped him for a bit. "But, I want to add my own deal."

Alastor tilted his head, no has asked to make alterations to his deals. Yet, he started to listen to what she has to say.

"As long as i'm under your protection, I want to keep watch Husk at all times wherever he goes or does." She said crossing her arms giving a serious look. Alastor nodded as he held out his hand a gust of wind followed by a bright light shined aross the room. "One last thing." She added. The Radio Demon shoot up, looking at her once again. "Never, I mean never, tell Husk or anyone else about this. This stays between us."

"So, it's a deal?" He waited patiently for the deal to get over with.

Roxy pulled out her hand and immediately shook his hand. "It's a deal. No take backs..." Gust of wind blasted through them, meaning that their deal was made. Once it was done, they let go their hands without another word.

The Demon-Fox walked off upstairs to see her father figure friend. Alastor stayed downstairs without staying anything else.

Once she entered Husk's room, she froze.

"Ugh..!" Husk winced placing a paw on his head, which he felt a slight headache. "What the Hell happend..?" He suddenly remembered something, he gasped with eyes wided. "Where's Roxy?! Did those assholes did something to her?!" He grabed Niffty by the colar as he franticly panicked. Both of them then noticed that Roxy was standing across the bedroom. All three Demons remained silent as they looked at each other, quite surprised.

Roxy slowly started to tear up, she ran straight at the old Demon-Cat and embrassed him in her arms as she cried out in relief. Husk hugged her tight in return, as be cried a bit.

"Hey, kid, don't worry, i'm here. I'm here..." Husk conforted her. "I'm not going anywhere this time..." Deep down Husk was surprised that he was alive again after he had died reciving a bullet from an Extermination gun. For Roxy's sanity, he decided to not ask how in Hell he was back to life again, and not to speak of today's event ever again.

Alastor stood aside from the bedroom's entrance. He was glad that his friend was okay. He maybe all joyfull and stuff. But that doesn't mean he felt sympathy for those close to him as family. He cared for them, deeply.

Now, there's a new addition to the family.

Yeah, Roxy made a deal with Alastor, so that she can be safe.

There's one last Chapter for this story!

The last one will be the rewritten version of the Hazbin Hotel (Pilot). That includes Roxy in it, also I have two surprises for you all on the last Chapter.

I'm sure you guys will love it!

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