Chapter 3: Alastor the Radio Demon

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Both Alastor and Rosalinda walked down the streets of the city. Rosalinda keep her distance from him much as possible. Yet she observed the 7 foot Demon's aspects from curiosity. He hadn't frown not even a second, he still had his sharp tooth grin on his face. He suddenly started to hum something, a song maybe? The clack of his tap shoes where heard as he walked. Somehow he always has his hands behind his back, guess it's a habit.

Alastor noticed that she was glancing at him but didn't want her to know so he keep pretending that he didn't noticed her. Which he find it quite amusing of the Demon-Fox's curiosity.

After a few blocks Rosalinda noticed other Demons than themselves on the streets. Every single one, they where all diffrent. Some where animals, monsters, demons, etc. But she noticed that she doesn't appeared to be a Demon that much, she looked more of an animal person than a demon. Is it a normal thing or is it just her? She decided to keep in mind about it later and not to think much of it yet.

Once the Demons quickly notices them they immediately ran away or take cover in fear. As if they where avoiding for some reason. Rosalinda knew that they where avoiding, Alastor, and by the looks of their fearfull faces, knew that there's more than just Alastor and his unusual smile.

She decided to speak up since she got board. "Um, so, Alastor." Alastor immediately turned his head. "Uh, why do you always, smile?"

"My Mother always told me, that you're never fully dressed without one!" He replied.

"Huh, so you where a person when you where alive?" She wondered.

Alastor then said. "Like everyone else, I had a life above. Why asking?" He raised an eyebrow curiously.

"Oh, I just thought that, well, don't take it the wrong way, cause I thought that there where only regular Demons here."  She answered as she give a reason why.

"Not at all!" Alastor added. "They are all sinners as you are seeing. One who commit a sin in their life, come here as punishment."

Rosalinda thought of what he said for a moment. "But why don't they look like the Demons from the bible?"

"No one knows, it just happend at random. Which it is quite entertaining,  really. Cause you may never know if something grusome will happend to them!" Alastor laughed out.

Rosalinda made a deepanded look and rolled her eyes. Her ears pressed down along with. She the asked. "Where are we going?"

"To one of my favorite Cafés!" Alastor guided them to a small Cafe. "After all you haven't eat since you've got here."

True, Rosalinda felt quite hungry. She could really use some food right now.
Quite the gentleman he is, Alastor opened the door for her. Rosalinda doesn't mind it at all as long she gets some food. It was quite the cozy atmosphere when she entered and quite nostalgic at the same time. She and her Mom would bring her to her local Cafe whenever she wanted a muffin for her sibs and herself. This made her sad at the same time since she wouldn't be doing that with her anymore, since she's dead anyways. She brushed it off and tried to focus to get something to eat to take it off her mind.

There at the counter stood a waiter Demon sea creature, he seemed unconfortable by Alastor' presence immediately. She noticed it and decides to let the Radio Demon do the talking.

"Good day my fellow!" Alastor grined. "Usually I would ordered the usual from your prestigious Cafe. But i've decided to let the Madam decide for today." He added while wraping an arm around Rosalinda who was surprised by this unexpected gesture from him. He then let her go. "So please, make sure it's something she prefers, and if it's bad..." He leaned much closer as he send a dark look. "...then make sure it's good..!"

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