Chapter 5: New Friendships

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Soon a nock on the front door was heard. Husk got up and opened. Revealing to be Niffty with a big smile on her face. "Hi, Husk! I just came to see my new friend, I hope you don't mind me." She zoomed pass by the old Demon-Cat who closed the door.

"My new friend!" Niffty ran to laid over Rosalinda's head. "Did you get my note? Did you like my gift? What is your name? I never quite caught your name."

"It's Rosalinda." The Demon-Fox answered.

'Rosalinda...' Husk thought, he repeated her name to remember it.

"Oh, what a nice name you have! Do you love, love stories? Do you speak Japenese? Do you like cute stuff? Do you know how to sew? What are do you like to do? What song do you like? What's your favorite food? Please tell me!" The cyclope Demon squealed with curiosity and excitement at the new girl.

"Uh, well..." Rosalinda stammered. "I..."

"Nift, leave the kid alone. She's still new here at least give her some space..." Said Husk as he drank on his booze.

Niffty immediately hop off her and looked down embarrassed. "Sorry, that was kind of rude of me."

"No, it's, fine..." She gave her a small smile smiled.

Niffty returned the smile.

Well, eventualy they both got to know each other. They talked for hours, hours and hours, like good old friends. They have almost alot in common.

Soon days passed, and she and Niffty became fast friends. For Alastor, well, let's just say that she doesn't want to be in the friend zone with him at all. So she decided to considered him as an acquaintance. She trust him only 20% of the time. He still gives her chills in her spine, cause she remembered Husk's warning to not make him angry. Hell is not bad for her taste, she got use of being down here and see many explosions and bloody dead. Alastor even introduces to a friend of his, Rosie, who is also an 'Overlord', she was sweet and kind with her. So she eventualy liked her instantly. There's also Mimzy another friend of Al, she was quite surprised when she first met her, but she eventualy got along with her and all that. Alastor told her about everything she needed to know about life in Hell during their morning walks. Like the royal family, imps, sinners, demons, fallen angels the places, lifestyles, ect. She'd also has gotten use of being in the same roof as Husk. But whenever she tried to talk to him, he would sometimes answered, or he would just shrug her off. Husk doesn't seemed to be bothered by her company anymore, he would just go out from time to time or he would just drown away on his booze. Whenever he would go out Gambling or drinking, he would often come back home really late at night, which worries Rosalinda the most. But she'd decided not to tell him cause there's a chance that he would push her off about that topic. There where days where she would cook or bake something up for them to eat, she is very experienced at wiping up new recipes. She learned it from her family ever since she was little. Husk honestly loved her cooking, but he ratter not show his feelings to the young Demon-Fox about it. Heck, he even brought her a cook book for her. Rosalinda would always tell him if the meal needs more of this or that, she'd would always see him with a small smile if he thinks it's good. Which she thinks it's adorable.

3 Months later... (Thanksgiving Day 1991)

"How's it going dear?" Alastor asked as he and Niffty came to spend Thanksgiving with Rosalinda, since Husk went out Gambling, again. She decide to cook something from Alastor's home country, he thought of making Jambalaya, but she decided to cook up something special.

"I think it's ready." She stired up the wooden spoon slowly inside the Gumbo. "But just in case..."

"With pleasure!" He took one bite of Gumbo out of the spoon. Alastor is feeling the taste just to make sure it's good. He placed a hand on his chin as he thought of it.

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