"hi birthday boy." namjoon wiggles his eyebrow, dimples appearing on his cheeks as he smiles when hoseok gets into the truck.

"hi joonie! sorry i'm running late! yoongi called me this morning and-" hoseok begins to ramble but is cut off by namjoon groaning.

"ugh, please spare me the details. i don't want to hear about your birthday sex call-"

"sex call!?" hoseok shrieks, cheeks flushing red from embarrassment. first yoongi, now namjoon too? "wh- why is everyone being so perverted today!? we didn't have a birthday sex call!"

"sure sounds like it to me." namjoon chuckles, pretending to flinch as hoseok raises his fist in retaliation.

"why you little- you're lucky i can't choke you out right now because a) i need someone to drive me to school and b) seokjin would kill me if i killed you." hoseok huffs, lowering his hand but still sending daggers at his friend who didn't pay him any mind, eyes too focused on the road to care.

"good choice." namjoon hums, lips pulled into a satisfied smirk. "now check the backseat."

"what?" confused, hoseok turns to look at the backseat and eyes a gift bag sitting there. "you didn't-"

"oh but i did~ now stop staring at it and open it!"

hoseok reaches back and grabs the gift bag, putting it on his lap. he takes out the wrapping paper and gasps, seeing what's inside. he pulls out the soft material, revealing a slightly oversized snoopy sweater. hoseok loved snoopy, it was his favorite peanuts character as he grew up reading the comic strips.

"aww joonie, i love it! thank you so much!" hoseok neatly folds the sweater again and almost puts it back inside the gift bag before namjoon stops him.

"did you see everything in there? take another peek."namjoon glances over while they were at a red light.

hoseok looks into the bag again, pulling out a red envelope addressed to him. he rips it open, starting to read the front cover of the birthday card before opening it up, feeling something fall out. he looks down at his lap to see what fell, only to be met with an expensive gift card to his favorite bakery.

"no way!" hoseok gasps and picks it up, he didn't even know the small bakery had gift cards. "how'd you even get this!?"

"don't ask me, seokjin has his ways of getting things even i don't fully understand." namjoon shakes his head, smiling fondly at the memory of his boyfriend strutting into the bakery and requesting their highest gift card amount possible.

"well thank you and seokjin for these wonderful gifts. i'm really happy." hoseok sets his presents back into their bag neatly, holding it close to him as if it'll disappear if he lets go.

this birthday really was shaping out to be better than the rest he's had.


the only thing hoseok didn't like about today was that his birthday fell on a school day. it also didn't help that his workload was starting to ramp back up since it was nearing march.

deciding not to let his class work ruin his day, hoseok meets yoongi during his free period at their usual spot. yoongi had specifically texted him not to bring lunch, saying that he has it covered. so when hoseok arrives to the empty classroom, yoongi's laying out their lunch on the desk with intense focus.

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