"you know, i don't think you're allowed to threaten a student like that." hoseok mumbles after a couple minutes of silence.

"i don't care, i meant what i said and even if i get fired for it, i still wouldn't take it back." yoongi shakes his head.

"please don't get fired for my sake, yoongi. i'll miss you too much."

he'll miss me.

"what were you doing in here anyway?"

"dancing." hoseok replies, wrapping an arm around yoongi's waist to side hug him. "i come in here to practice my routines, so they must've saw me and took their chance."

"why not use the gym? so things like this won't happen again?" yoongi reaches a hand up to pet hoseok's hair, knowing how much it calms the brunette to the point where he even falls asleep sometimes.

"cause i like it in here."

yoongi looks around, noticing that it's an old music room. there was a wooden piano in the corner and yoongi's fingers ached to play just one song on the dusty, forgotten keys.

"i like it in here too." he concludes, looking down at hoseok who just looks up at him with a small, warm smile.

"and i like it when you smile." yoongi adds in, watching hoseok's pretty pink lips turn upwards even more, dimples on proud display.

"you should stay in here with me during this period. it's your free period right? it's mine too." hoseok blushes, nuzzling his face shyly into yoongi's black leather jacket.

"can i watch you dance?"

"of course you can." hoseok nods and takes yoongi's hand into his own, playing with the rings on his fingers by sliding them up and down. "this is really random but.. do you happen to know how to play the piano?"

"are you kidding me? i'm a fucking musical prodigy."

"seriously!?" hoseok sits up with wide eyes, trying to see if the older was joking around with him but by the looks of it, he wasn't. "can you play the piano for me? while i dance?"

"i wouldn't mind that at all, baby doll." yoongi flexes his fingers, pretending to play the piano while hoseok giggles and settles back beside him.

"actually.. after dance practice tomorrow, let's go to the cafe. i need to make up for the time you bought my lemonade for me."

"hoseok, that was weeks ago."

"so!?" hoseok looks up and pouts, "that doesn't mean i still can't treat you to a coffee!"

"this sounds more like a date to me." yoongi knew he was treading the line, yet he still did it anyway. he couldn't help himself when hoseok's pretty face was just barely inches away from his.

"maybe it is?"

"you'd wanna go on a date with me?" he asks just above a whisper.

hoseok doesn't verbally respond, but instead looks away from the intense dark eyes trained on him. yoongi takes his bright blush as a silent 'yes'.



the next day rolls around fairly quickly and yoongi couldn't seem to stop staring at his favorite pupil. hoseok strutted into class with the hoodie yoongi gave him when it rained after dance practice one day and he had forgotten his umbrella at home. he texted the older to come pick him up and got wet while rushing to the car. yoongi just grabbed his black hoodie from the backseat and tossed it at him, telling him to put it on so he'll 'get warm'.. or maybe he just wanted an excuse to see hoseok wearing his hoodie.

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