chapter forty eight

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"For the ones in Rome, expand them by forty percent."

I hate these meetings, they take so long when all I have to do is is say which warehouse to expand. "For the ones in Venice...."

The door unlocked and opened as Angelina walked inside holding an envelope, she looks upset. "I need the room." I said which made everyone quickly get up and walk over to the door.

Alfonzo walked past her making her grab his shirt pulling him back to his seat, she opened the envelope as she walked over to the head of the table.

She dumped everything out making me grab them to see pictures of Ilas and Alina doing things together. "Holy shit!" Alfonzo exclaimed as he grabbed some of the pictures.

"You mean to tell me, you did not know anything about this shit?" She asked as she lightly hit Alfonzo in the back of his head making him chuckle.

"No. Not at all. She told me she was seeing someone, I asked who and she kept it a secret which I respected." She said as I held out my hand and she locked hands with me.

I guided her over to me and she sat on my lap making me wrap one arm around her waist and place one hand on her thigh.

"Does she knows that you kidnapped his father?" He asked as he stared at me. "And that you let your father kill his father?" He asked as he looked at Angelina.

"She doesn't even know my father is alive" She said as she leaned over and pushed Alfonzo out of his chair. "You get mad then you get abusive." I said as I made her sit still.

"Why am I getting hit over this? I am not Alina." Alfonzo said as he stood up and sat back in his chair clearly not liking what just happened to him.

"What do you want to do?" I asked making her shrug "I don't know" She whispered as she kissed me softly, I kissed her back then pulled away once Alfonzo coughed.

"Does Ilas himself know that both of you are apart reason of the reason his father is dead?" He asked us, "I sent him pictures but I never said that I did it. He sent word around but no one has claimed it." Angelina replied.

"But he did RSVP that he would be at the party" I chimed in making Alfonzo nod. "I do not want anyone to say anything. I want her to tell me on her own. I do not have any bad blood with Ilas and he does not have any bad blood with me either." She said.

"He does not have any because he is not aware of what you have done." Alfonzo said making Angelina flip him off. "Do you all agreed to shut up about this?" She asked and we nodded.

"Alex wanted me to give this to you" Alfonzo said as he pulled a piece of paper from his jacket. He handed it to Angelina who opened it and smiled.

She showed it to me for me to see it's a drawing of a woman whom i'm guessing is Angelina and boy who I think is Alex. They are holding hands standing behind her blue house with the words 'Happy birthday mommy' written at the top.

Angelina teared up making me and Alfonzo stare at her Alex refers to Angelina as his mother, his biological mother is a hooker who is also a druggie who wants nothing to do with him.

Angelina loves Alex like she birthed him herself "So uncle Nicolas just didn't get one?" I asked making Alfonzo roll his eyes.

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