chapter twenty six

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"What time is it?"

Nicolas looked at his watch as he walked up to me "It's 4:25pm" He said as he pulled me into his grasp hugging me tightly.

"Is everyone ready?" I asked as I hugged him back, "Waiting on you" He said as he kissed my head. I pulled away and grabbed my bags.

We made our way downstairs into the foyer to see Alfonzo and Alina ready to go, I helped Elena pack so we are ready to go.

"Okay i'm ready" Elena said as one of my men wheeled her over to Alfonzo, "Alright so let's go" I said as Alfonzo took over.

"Elena you can not leave me" Ilas said making everyone turn around to see him running towards her, "I got the bags" Alfonzo said as he grabbed the bags.

He walked outside to put everyone's bags in the car "You have cheated on me so many times. You treat me terrible, I am done Ilas." Elena said.

"Tell me you do not love me" He said as he bent down to her level, "I will always have love for the man I first met. The man standing in front of me right now, is not him." Elena said.

Alina wheeled Elena out of the house as Nicolas walked up to him, "See you later brother" Nicolas said as he patted Ilas on the back making him flinch.

I waved to him as I locked arms with Nicolas and we walked out of the house, we dropped Elena off at her mothers house.

"I am really grateful for you Angelina" She said as I held out a black card, "This doesn't have a limit, that doesn't mean you should go and spend recklessly" I said as I gave her the card.

"You know who to call if you need something" I said making her nod, "I would hug you but you know" She said making me smile as I squeezed her shoulder.

I got back into the car and sighed, "You okay?" Alina asked me and I nodded. "I'm tired" I said making her squeeze my shoulder.

Twenty minutes after that we boarded Nicolas's plane, "So on one has heard from Patrick ever since he left his own ball" Christopher said.

"Keep word out" I said as Alina sat down across from me, "Do you are to tell me why Nicolas just sent you his best guns and ammo?" He asked making me smile.

"No I don't care to" I said as I hung up, "Excited for your date?" Alina asked as she smiled. "Did you and Ilas have intercourse?" I asked making her smile fade.

"Accidentally" She said making me raise my eyebrows, "You do not have sex accidentally" I said. "Are you slut shaming me?" She asked.

"Do not put words in my mouth, it wasn't implied either." I said as I squinted at her, "I'm sorry" She said as she rubbed her face.

"Mhm" I said as I stood up and walked into the bedroom to see Nicolas on the phone. I got into the bed making myself comfortable.

"Goodnight" I said as he laid next to me and stared at me, "Why are you sleeping?" He asked. "Because I am tired?" I said as I smiled.

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I rolled over opening my eyes to see Nicolas on his phone texting away. I rolled back over and bit his arm "You sleep heavy" He said.

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