Episode 19: Sand Ruin

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(Start in Sand Ruin. It is nighttime. BILLY, ROLLY, CHICK, BANTAM, and ALLIE are standing on a large square floor.)

Allie-Based on what I've heard, this is the sixth region you'll be visiting?


Allie-Then be happy. It'll be the last.


(He steps forward. A heavenly light shines down on them.)

Menie-Billy! The Crows have captured Meri-Meri, the elder of Sand Ruin! This is not a very merry situation. Oh, no! The pun bug has spread to me! Anyway, they're holding him at the top of the pyramid! You must hurry and rescue Meri-Meri, for he knows the secret of the Giant Egg!

(The light disappears.)

Rolly-Which secret of the Giant Egg? We know, like, five.

Billy-Well, another one wouldn't hurt.

(Opening theme. He grabs a blue-spotted egg and rolls toward a ledge. He jumps into a green ring. As it launches him into the air, he notices a bee Crow on the other side of the gap.)

Billy-Oh no.

Chick-What is it? It's too dark in here! I can't see squat!

(BILLY tries to charge past the bee, but it flies in his way and breaks the egg. BILLY freezes. The bee hits him directly.)


(KONANIE leans out of BILLY's suit.)

Konanie-Don't worry, Billy. Don't worry. We can find another one.

Bantam-I mean, there's one right here. I can toss it to you.

Billy-And break another one? I think the cluck not!


(He puts his goggles on.)

Chick-Behind those blocks, there should be one!


(He looks behind some blocks in the corner. There's a white streaked egg in a nest.)

Billy-Thanks, Chick! You're a lifesaver!

(He jumps over the blocks and grabs the egg.)

Chick-Thanks. I try.

(He breaks through the blocks. ROLLY joins him with a blue-spotted egg.)

Rolly-I got one of my own so I can help you.

Billy-Great! Let's go!

(ROLLY bounces on the bee a couple times and knocks it out.)

Rolly-Which way?

(BILLY points at another gap. They jump over it.)

Billy-I think the coast is clear.

(Four antenna Crows break out of some crates.)

Rolly-Wow, the Crows are getting desperate.

Billy-No need to hang around here!

(He jumps over another gap. CHICK and BANTAM catch up to ROLLY.)

Chick-What's the sitch?

Rolly-Billy's gone.


(On the other side of the gap, there's a bunch more antenna Crows. BILLY rolls over some to get to a green ring. He jumps in, launching him to a series of blue rings that carries him into a yellow ring that spins him around and spits him out on the floor at the base of the pyramid.)

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